PREP Morelos 2024: check the state results

PREP Morelos 2024: check the state results
PREP Morelos 2024: check the state results

Today, June 2, the elections were held in Mexico, where citizens went to the polls to choose from a wide range of positionsincluding new president, deputies, senators, governors, mayors, municipal presidents, city councils and municipal boards.

In the state of Morelos, election day focused on the election of a new governor, in addition to other local positions. In Excelsior you we keep you informed minute by minute on the preliminary results after the closing of polls.

You might be interested in reading: 2024 Elections in Mexico: Presidential and gubernatorial elections LIVE

In Morelos, the candidates who competed for the governorship were Margarita González Saravia for the coalition Let’s keep making historyLucy Meza for the coalition Dignity and Security for Morelos Vamos Todosand Jessica Ortega for Movimiento Ciudadano.

According to data from the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP) of the National Electoral Institute (INE), these are the preliminary results of the election for governor in Morelos.

The state of Morelos will renew its governor, as well as 20 local councils and 33 city councils. It was summoned 1.5 million people for these 2024 electionsin which it will be defined who will succeed the current governor Cuauhtémoc Blanco.

Who are the candidates for the governorship of Morelos?

Jessica María Guadalupe Ortega de la Cruz, representing the “Movimiento Progresa” coalition that integrates the Movimiento Ciudadano and Morelos Progresa parties, has a degree in Law from the Universidad del Valle in Cuernavaca and has a master’s degree in Constitutional Law and Amparo from the Morelos Jurist College. Her career in public service has developed mainly in the legislative field, having been a local and federal representative.

Lucia Virginia Meza Guzmán, candidate of the “Dignity and Security for Morelos Vamos Todos” coalition that brings together the PAN, PRI, PRD and RSP parties, has a degree in Public Administration from the Latin American University (ULA), Cuernavaca campus. She has completed specialties at ITAM and George Washington University. Her political career includes having been a representative and a senator.

Margarita González Saravia Calderón, who represents the coalition “Let’s Keep Making History in Morelos” made up of Morena, PT, PVEM, Nueva Alianza, PES and MAS, has served as general director of the National Lottery and has participated in tourism promotion activities. She was also a leader of the State Association of Spas and Water Parks of Morelos.

The elected positions that are chosen in Morelos

In addition to the governorship, the people of Morelos elected other local positions, including:

  • 12 relative majority deputations
  • 8 proportional representation deputations
  • 33 municipal presidencies
  • 33 relative majority receiverships
  • 153 councils
  • 5 federal deputations with a relative majority
  • 2 senators by relative majority

What is the Preliminary Election Results Program (PREP)?

The PREP is a computer system that collects and disseminates the data from the scrutiny and counting records generated at the polling stations, providing preliminary election results in real time. It is important to note that these results are for informational purposes and are not official. The purpose of the PREP is to inform citizens about the progress of the electoral count as the information is received from the polls.

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) is the institution in charge of announce the official results after the final count of the election.

While citizens wait for the official results, the PREP provides a preliminary view of the development of the elections and who could be the next governor of Morelos, as well as the composition of the local councils and municipal presidencies.

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