This Friday, Mayor Marcos Pisano and Senator Eduardo Bucca received the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, in Pirovano. Together they led the inauguration ceremony of the natural gas supply project for the town of Pirovano. Also accompanying were the Minister of Infrastructure and Public Services, Gabriel Katopodis; the Undersecretary of Energy, Gastón Ghioni; the president of Buenos Aires Gas SA (BAGSA), Pablo Pérez; and the municipal delegate Romina Iribarne.

The officials arrived at the town at 10am and initially toured the repaving work being carried out at the access to the town from Provincial Route No. 65.
Then, they cut the ribbon, unveiled a commemorative plaque and lit the significant torch at the new supply distribution plant.

Later, together with neighbors from the community they shared an event at the Pirovano Junior Club.

In this context, Mayor Pisano stated: “We are proud to have this infrastructure that is not a product of chance, but of the political decision of a provincial government that manages and is in charge of carrying out the works that improve the quality of life of the town. people”. “Governing involves making decisions, being present where needs exist and never backing down: this is what we did and what we will continue to do together with our community. “This would not have been possible without a governor like Axel Kicillof,” he indicated.

For his part, Kicillof highlighted that “in the context we are going through, this historical work for Pirovano takes on much greater importance: it not only improves living conditions in the town, but also demonstrates in the best possible way, with facts, to What is the purpose of planning and management of the State? “This gas pipeline was not made by the market and we could not expect the neighbors to build it either. That is what the State is for, to generate a little more equality, equity and dignity for everyone, regardless of whether or not it is a business,” he explained.

Based on an investment of $4,956 million, the works began to be carried out at the beginning of 2022 and consist of 35.5 km of gas pipeline, two regulatory plants (Henderson and Pirovano) and 21 km of home network. In this way, it reaches more than 1,600 residents who will be able to access natural gas through the network, a more economical and secure supply that will also serve to promote the commercial and agro-industrial development of the region.

“The national government wants us to believe that there are only two possible models and then we must choose whether everything is resolved by the market or everything is resolved by the State,” said the Governor and added: “We are not going to debate with that flat earth position that cannot be applies in no country in the world. Here the discussion is how the State can work intelligently to encourage and promote private investment that generates employment.”

Furthermore, Kicillof stressed that “this gas pipeline also helps us reflect on what model of country we want: it is not enough to have natural resources, we need them to be used so that there is accessible energy and development throughout the country.” “We want there to be Argentine gas for our people and for that we ask that the Base Law be rejected, which represents the ideas of extractivism and underdevelopment,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, Ghioni remarked: “With the arrival of this first winter period, the consequences of an absent national State, which does not plan and does not invest, are already being observed.” “Given this, our response is to continue guaranteeing Buenos Aires residents the right to dignity and development through energy works such as the one inaugurated today and those underway in other municipalities,” he emphasized.

During the day, Kicillof reviewed the progress of the repaving works on the access road to Pirovano from Provincial Route No. 65, the only paved entrance to the town. The work will require $2,589 million and includes the reconformation of shoulders; the construction of vehicle and public transportation docks; pedestrian shelters; Waterworks; lighting and signage.

“Today is a day in which it is demonstrated once again that, although there is much to improve, the State has to be present: along with gas come progress and new development opportunities for the entire region,” said Bucca. and stated: “This provincial government has demonstrated that all municipalities, regardless of their size or location, are equal and must access the same rights: without that human perspective of politics it would have been impossible to carry out this work.”

The head of the Governor’s Advisors, Cristina Álvarez Rodríguez, was present; the mayors of Olavarría, Maximiliano Wesner; by Hipólito Yrigoyen, Luis Ignacio Pugnaloni; of Azul, Nélson Sombra; de Daireaux, Alejandro Acerbo; and from Roque Pérez, Maximiliano Sciaini; the general deputy administrator of the Housing Institute, Hernán Ralinqueo; the provincial deputy César Valicenti; and her partner Laura Aloisi; councilors and municipal officials.

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