Golía inaugurated natural gas in the CIC of the Los Pioneros neighborhood

Golía inaugurated natural gas in the CIC of the Los Pioneros neighborhood
Golía inaugurated natural gas in the CIC of the Los Pioneros neighborhood

Dr. Rubén Darío Golía visited the Community Integration Center of the Los Pioneros neighborhood this morning, where he verified the natural gas installation work completed today by the Camuzzi Gas Pampeana company.

Accompanied by the Secretary General, Gustavo Masci; the Undersecretary of Social Development, Yanina Ransan; and the Coordinator of the institution, Ariel Cataldi, Golía toured the building, spoke with the staff and referred to the importance of the neighborhood center for the community and the positive impact that having a natural gas network will have for the CIC.

“After many years, the institution will have mains gas, this marks a turning point in the operation of the center, the Coordination is carrying out impeccable work in the reconditioning of the facilities,” said the communal chief.

Finally, the Municipal Mayor highlighted “the joy of sharing this good news, which will make the space more comfortable and provide greater comfort to the residents who come to the place daily, as well as to the professionals who work there.”

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