The General Secretariat joins the commemoration of “Not one less”

The General Secretariat joins the commemoration of “Not one less”
The General Secretariat joins the commemoration of “Not one less”

The General Secretariat joined the commemoration of the “Not One Less” movement, a massive expression aimed at making gender-based violence visible.

The cover of today’s edition, which can be found at, commemorates its creation in Argentina and which, later, expanded on a large scale to several countries in Latin America and other regions of the world.

The march called Not one less It was held for the first time on June 3, 2015 in eighty cities in Argentina as a way to demonstrate the rejection of violence against women and dissidents and its most serious and visible consequence: femicide and trans/travesticide.
The origin of the name dates back to 1995 when the Mexican poet, psychologist and defender of Human Rights, Susana Chávez, wrote a poem with the phrase “Not a woman less, not a death more” to protest the femicides in Ciudad Juárez in That country.

In 2011, she was a victim of femicide, so Vanina Escales, an Argentine communicator and activist, proposed the name “Ni una menos” to call a reading marathon on March 26, 2015. However, it was kept for the mobilization of the June 3, 2015.

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