Mexico’s role with the US and the other economies with the new president Claudia Sheinbaum

Mexico’s role with the US and the other economies with the new president Claudia Sheinbaum
Mexico’s role with the US and the other economies with the new president Claudia Sheinbaum

Alex Munguía Salazar Professor Researcher Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) Photo: Courtesy of the author

The political project started in Mexico 6 years ago is advancing, not without ups and downs. But the important thing is that Mexican society has spoken out towards strengthening the direction forward.

Mexico, along with Brazil, is the second strongest economy in Latin America. Which allows us to understand that we move forward. That is to say, despite the problems inherited from previous governments such as drug trafficking or violence.

The country is advancing and generating enormous expectations in international markets. Mexico continues to be a recipient of foreign direct investment and is a solid economy in symbiosis with the United States, without leaving aside the social commitment to the most disadvantaged. That is, despite international commitments Mexico has not abandoned its responsibility with the growth and strengthening of broad sectors of Mexican society.

Claudia Sheinbaum gestures to her followers after being declared the winner of the presidential election according to the rapid sample count of the INE electoral institute, in the Zocalo square in Mexico City, Mexico, June 3, 2024. REUTERS/ Daniel Becerril
Claudia Sheinbaum gestures to her followers after being declared the winner of the presidential election according to the rapid sample count of the INE electoral institute, in the Zocalo square in Mexico City, Mexico, June 3, 2024. REUTERS/ Daniel Becerril

The present electoral process establishes that Mexican society subscribes to the national project of the political party that has emerged from a coalition of political and social forces that is configured as the humanist social project so desired by the country. We should not be surprised by the overwhelming victory as established by recent data. It is the product of a social force and actions consistent with the historical needs of the country. Therefore, the call for tranquility and respect remains valid at this time, where other, more empowered sectors of Mexican society could see it as a disaster. In reality it is a step to consolidate the actions that allow progress from Mexico.

The data is revealing that the Mexican economy is advancing, it is the parity of the peso with respect to the dollar. Mexico grows and strengthens its development, there are thousands of things it must do, but each step is aimed at strengthening a society that historically remained outside the electoral processes. Today we must understand this electoral exercise as a Mexican festival, where politicization, political participation and the strengthening of civic political culture has been consolidated.

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