Due to a gas loss, students have been without classes for almost a month at a school in La Plata

Due to a gas loss, students have been without classes for almost a month at a school in La Plata
Due to a gas loss, students have been without classes for almost a month at a school in La Plata

About three weeks ago, the directors of educational establishment No. 71, located on 140th Street between 49 and 50 in the town of San Carlos, made the decision to close the building due to a gas leak. From that moment on, in-person classes were not resumed and the students will be spending a month without attending school.

The parents and students of the school community demand urgent repair of the damage from the La Plata School Council which, as they indicated, So far, he has not approached the place.

In this context, tired of building problems, a mother clarified in dialogue with portal 0221 that “last year it also happened that the school’s light bulb had been stolen and we were without classes for about a month”; And along those same lines, she assured that this is not the first time that they have had gas leaks, since the previous year they also had problems with that service.

For their part, a group of parents were concerned since they have no one to leave their children with during school hours. In this sense, for the moment, the study dynamic chosen to continue with classes is through a WhatsApp group, where students receive their assignments daily.

blanket season

This is not the only claim of this type in La Plata, since, due to the arrival of winter temperatures, different schools complained to the authorities about gas works and maintenance.

A first blanket was carried out on Friday by a group of students from Middle School No. 8 located at 48 between 8 and 9. “We are being very cold due to the poor condition of the stove and the general infrastructure of the establishment” said a person present at the demonstration to the newspaper El Día.

On the other hand, a garden in the City gave a grade to the School Board for lack of stoves and the boiler in the midst of the cold seasons. This is Kindergarten No. 902 of Villa Elvira.

The previous management

The president of La Plata School Council, Iván Maidana, expressed his concern about the situation that school establishments are going through due to the stoppage of works and budget cuts by the Nation, mainly affecting the lack of heating in buildings. “It is very complex given the harsh reality that we are going through a problem that will carry over to 2023,” he said.

In statements to Radio Provincia, he explained that, together with the General Directorate of Education of the Province and the Undersecretariat of Education of the municipality of La Plata, a list of more than 90 schools was prepared in which gas works had to be faced. . “Both Governor Axel Kicillof and Minister Alberto Sileoni allocated resources to resolve gas needs,” he reported.

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