229 students begin the EvAU this Tuesday at the IES Bajo Aragón

229 students begin the EvAU this Tuesday at the IES Bajo Aragón
229 students begin the EvAU this Tuesday at the IES Bajo Aragón

229 students are taking the exam starting this Tuesday EvAU (Evaluation for access to the University) at the IES Bajo Aragón in Alcañiz. As usual, The Bajo Aragonese Institute is one of the community’s examination centers for students from the Bajo Aragonese capital itself (121), as well as from the surrounding towns: Andorra, Valderrobres and Caspe. In the region of Cuencas Mineras there are 14 students from the IES Fernando Lázaro Carreter de Utrillas who will be examined in this ordinary call in the capital of Teruel. A total of 6,877 students at the regional level will face the test that will take place until Thursday, June 6. By province, a total of 1,146 students will attend in Huesca, 549 in Teruel and 5,182 in Zaragoza.

At the Bajo Aragonese Institute The number of examinees barely changed from last year, although in recent years an increase has been noted. «Every year more students take this test since the promotion criteria changed. It is a key moment for students who are risking entering a career for their professional future. “The nerves always appear until the last moment,” highlighted Sandra Prats, head of studies at the IES Bajo Aragón.

The institute already has everything ready to host exams with ordinary classes in parallel. Which represents an added effort in terms of logistics. Most of its school positions, 150, are in the center’s sports center and the rest are divided between three classrooms in an annex building. “Every year it is more difficult because we need many free tables,” highlights Prats.

The test begins this Tuesday at 10.00 with the Spanish Language and Literature exercise. This same morning you will continue with History of Spain and in the afternoon, the English and History of Philosophy exams will take place. As a novelty, There are more than 10 new subjects that students can take exams, the majority belonging to the “high school of arts.” Among them are, for example, Choir and Vocal Technique II, Musical Analysis, History of Music and Dance; Dramatic Literature; Artistic Drawing II; Technical Drawing Applied to Plastic Arts and Design II; Graphic-plastic Expression Techniques, etc. Furthermore, this year the structure of the ‘compulsory phase’ has changed, so that students They can be examined in the History of Spain or the History of Philosophy, of their choice.

This has led to some adjustments to the schedule, including: that on the first day there will be exams in four subjects, and that testing will begin earlier than in previous years. The next two days (Wednesday and Thursday) will be for modality subjects in the different branches: Science and Technology; Humanities, Social Sciences or the Bachelor of Arts.


From June 12, the results of the EvAU can be consulted by students electronically, accessing the Virtual Secretariat with the credentials provided by the University, where they can download their ballots with the grades obtained. Second correction requests will be submitted through the aforementioned Virtual Secretariat, between June 13 to 17. The ballots will be provisional, in any case, during the period established to request a second correction.

Those who do not request a second correction will be able to access the ballot definitive as of June 18. The rest of the students will obtain the final ballot after the publication of the results of the second correction, on June 25.

The exercises for which a second correction has been requested will be corrected by specialist teachers of each subject, different from those who have made the first correction. The grade will be obtained from the arithmetic mean of the first and second correction. In the event that there is a difference of two or more points between both gradesa third correction will be made ex officio by a different teacher than the one who made the first and second correction. In this case the final grade will be the average of the three grades.

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