Lilly Téllez recognizes defeat against Morena candidates in Sonora | Sonora News

Lilly Téllez recognizes defeat against Morena candidates in Sonora | Sonora News
Lilly Téllez recognizes defeat against Morena candidates in Sonora | Sonora News

HERMOSILLO.-In a message published on the social network defeat against the Morena candidates in the elections for the Senate in Sonora.

Téllez expressed:

“In Sonora I recognize that Morena’s Senate candidates won, the majority voted for continuity. @MFBeltrones and I will go to the Senate with 30% of the vote. “I thank those who voted for me, I will fully fulfill their mandate to represent minorities in the Senate.”

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Tellez thanked to their voters, despite not having achieved a majority of the votes.

How is PREP going?

According to the PREP count until Monday morning, the formula made up of Manlio Fabio Beltrones and Lilly Téllez obtained 26.9608% of the votes, while the Morena duo, made up of Lorenia Valles Sampedro and Heriberto Aguilar Castillo, led with the 43.4092%.

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