Strong defense of the Government to Pettovello: “He dismantled a rotten system”

Strong defense of the Government to Pettovello: “He dismantled a rotten system”
Strong defense of the Government to Pettovello: “He dismantled a rotten system”


After the scandal unleashed in the Government, the presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni ratified the support of the Mileista administration for the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello. “In a few months of management he dismantled the putrid system inherited by past administrations”considered this Monday in his usual press conference, and stressed: ““The support for the minister is total”.

“Let me remind you of some achievements that the Ministry of Human Capital has had, many times working jointly with the Ministry of Security,” he said, and listed: “In these six months of management the business of social aid intermediaries endedwith everything that this implied (citizens forced to attend demonstrations or work for a political leader to be able to eat; there was an end to ghost kitchens that never gave food to vulnerable families and that were financed with corruption; a network was dismantled) of sexual exploitation in Chaco; university budgets were made transparent.”

Adorni thus denied that there had been the possibility of Pettovello leaving the Government after admitting that part of the merchandise stored in the ministry’s warehouses is about to expire. “The President does not intervene in the ministries, he was always informed of everything. The public support for the minister was genuine, it is not clear that we are a very united team.”he said and noted: “Every day battling corruption is a difficult situation, every time we see an act of corruption it makes us very angry and makes us very sad. It is reasonable that we all come out to support her, she is an excellent person and an excellent minister”.

Aligned with the criticism of Milei, who turned his attention to Kirchnerism and blamed the front for threatening his officials, Adorni said: “It is logical that parasitic organisms resist when attempts are made to eradicate the disease.”. “He said it about the President, we are facing unscrupulous people, without any regard to counting dirty money inside a cave, to ruffle bags in a convent, to make pacts with terrorists or to act strangely in the face of the death of a prosecutor” , he continued.

Regarding the President’s statements, who also pointed out that Kirchnerism could “throw a death at Pettovello”, Adorni indicated that if there are elements, the Government will denounce it. “We know what we are doing. We always knew that fighting corruption was going to bring us these issues. On one side you have the most decent minister and on the other, wherever you touch you see corruption or lack of transparency. The President’s phrase was that, if they were capable of doing business with the food of the poor, they are capable of anything. Without going any further, in Chaco they exchanged social plans for sex and there was even a human trafficking network. It is time for us to understand how poverty was handled. “They are willing to do anything to recover what they lost on December 10,” he noted.

Furthermore, regarding who will replace the displaced Pablo de la Torre, the spokesperson assured that the President gives all ministers the freedom to work with the officials they see fit. “The President is not going to interfere in the election of officials. I spoke with Pettovello and to be a woman of his extreme confidence“, he pointed. Besides, Adorni denied that the minister had presented her resignation at any time: “

The Minister of Human Capital Sandra PettovelloFabian Marelli

The spokesperson reviewed what was announced on Sunday by the President’s economic advisor, Federico Sturzenegger, who launched the design of a new food collection system. “The complexity of the food collection was that it was not destined for distribution in dining rooms unless the expiration date was close., which is what is happening now. They were for emergencies. Suppliers must have transparency and be able to provide us immediately in the event of a catastrophe. That stock has to be permanent. The interesting thing is that there are not even going to be intermediaries within the State. You are going to directly make the agreement with the one who collects the food,” he said.

He also stated that the distribution of food close to expiration will begin today, since food distribution “is going through another channel.”


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