Biden and Trump, confirmed candidates?: Democrats and Republicans hold internal votes in different states

At the moment, Trump leads the polls, with 41.1% of voting intentions, 1.5 points more than Joe Biden.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump, candidates for US president. Photo: Reuters

For several months now the world has taken for granted that the candidates democrats and republicans in the elections in the United States will be Joe Biden and Donald Trump, respectively. However, this Tuesday they reach the final stretch of the primary process that will lead to their confirmation as candidates for the presidency.

Both parties will have internal votes in Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota. In addition, Democrats will also vote in Washington D.C..

Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Photo: Reuters

For Donald Trump it will be the end of the process that will crown him as the representative of the Republican Party in the November general elections, while The current president will have to wait until June 8with the votes then planned in Guam and the Virgin Islands.

Likewise, the next votes are, above all, symbolic, because The two candidates mathematically secured the nomination on March 12 by exceeding the threshold of delegates necessary to be invested in their summer conventions.

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Trump needed 1,215 delegates and already has 2,219. Tonight he could add another 94, while Biden had to exceed the threshold of 1,976 and has 3,664without counting the 216 that he would add this Tuesday night if all the scrutiny is in his favor and the 14 that Guam and the Virgin Islands could contribute.

Joe Biden. Photo: REUTERS.

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The Democratic president saw in this process how his support for Israel in the war against Gaza took its toll on him, since the blank vote campaign in protest of this support obtained 35 delegates. Thus, his main obstacles in the face of re-election seem to be the impact that the rejection of his support for Israel could have and how much the trial initiated against his son Hunter for illegal purchase and possession of a weapon could harm him.

For its part, donald trump they are not taking a toll four criminal proceedings opened against him because the support of his followers does not cease.

The ruling against Donald Trump, expressed in the American newspapers. Photo: Reuters. Donald Trump was found guilty in the document falsification case. Photo: Reuters.

The trials are for try to reverse the results of the 2020 elections. Furthermore, his first conviction, the one received in New York last week, was for falsification of business records to try to buy silence in 2016 about the relationship he had with the porn actress. Stormy Daniels.

The elections will take place next November 5th and for now two debates are scheduled: on June 27 in the key state of Georgia, and on September 10, in a face-to-face event organized by the ABC News channel.

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