‘Not even if we were Shhh’ rises to 4.1% with advertising and surpasses Antena 3 and Telecinco among young adults

‘Not even if we were Shhh’ rises to 4.1% with advertising and surpasses Antena 3 and Telecinco among young adults
‘Not even if we were Shhh’ rises to 4.1% with advertising and surpasses Antena 3 and Telecinco among young adults


The second installment of the new ‘Sálvame’ on Ten takes the network to a new historical record for the day with a 1.8% share.

Manufacturers Studio

By Drafting

June 5, 2024 | 09:00

The return of the spirit of ‘Sálvame’ to linear television surprises again with its second installment. ‘Not even if we were Shhh’ shows that its good premiere data was not a matter of luck or out of curiosity about novelty. The Makers Studio Program screen share rises to 4.1% and brings together 328,000 viewers during the broadcast on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, bringing together 1,081,000 unique viewers. Regarding the digital environment, your live on YouTube and Twitch improves 12.8% compared to the previous day and brings together an average of 22,455 simultaneous usersachieving a peak of 28,728.

‘No way we were’

Unlike his debut on Ten, The second broadcast of ‘Ni que fuerámos Shh’ does have advertising breaks, dedicating 16% of its time to ad blocks. But this does not prevent it from improving almost one share point and seducing 70,000 more viewers. Although starts at 2.7% shareachieves peaks above 6%, being in its golden minuteat 7:05 p.m., when it hits 6.5% share and brings together 445,000 spectators.

The program presented by María Patiño on Canal Quickie leads its broadcast slot on DTT and ranks as the fifth most viewed space on Tuesdayonly surpassed by the prime time offerings and the Turkish soap opera ‘Young Wife’.

Leads over Antena 3 and Telecinco

This rise is especially notable in the target audience of young adults (24-44 years) where it scores a fantastic 10.6% screen quota. A result that leads ‘Not even if we were Shh’ to beat all generalist and thematic chains in its broadcast slot, remaining above Antena 3 (7.8%) and Telecinco (8.9%). They are only surpassed by the group of paid thematic channels, which scores 10.9%.

In addition, starting at 6:10 p.m. and until its end, the program manages to beat Cuatro with its global data. It should be noted that Ten has much lower coverage than the rest of the general channels, making its figures even more commendable.

New all-time record for Ten

Thanks to the good results of ‘Not even that we were Shh’, Ten once again achieves a new historical record for the day with an average share of 1.8%. Although, one more day, the leadership goes to FDF with a 2.7% sharefollowed by Atreseries (2.4%), Nova (2.3%), Energy (2.1%), BeMad (2%), Mega (1.9%), Divinity (1.8%) and Dmax (1.8%).

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