Dolors Montserrat: “We cannot wait for the general elections to vote. Let’s get it all started this Sunday.”

Dolors Montserrat: “We cannot wait for the general elections to vote. Let’s get it all started this Sunday.”
Dolors Montserrat: “We cannot wait for the general elections to vote. Let’s get it all started this Sunday.”

The PP candidate for the European elections announces that the PP “is not going to remain silent” and “will report to the European Commission every attack on judicial independence” of the Government and advances that this Sunday the citizens will say enough at the polls

He reproaches the PSOE for not having a project and basing its campaign on talking about “mud, hoax and ultra”. “Mud It is sending two letters to the citizens and pointing out the judges to cover up the corruption that surrounds them. Hoax It is lying to the Spanish to keep you in power with an infamous amnesty that you promised not to give. Ultra “is negotiating outside the European Union with a fugitive with links to Putin,” he says.

The PSOE has become a populist threat to judicial independence. “It was by approving an amnesty that erases Justice, but now it increases with the attack on judges and talking about political conspiracies,” he reproaches.

Notes that Spain is not a banana republic in which there is no rule of law, “although the PSOE’s steps in that direction are very worrying”. “Sánchez and his entourage of La Palma ministers have activated the mud story to cover up all the corruption that surrounds them.”

He explains “Spain can no longer bear everything it is suffering.” “Democracy falters with an amnesty that destroys equalityd. Judicial independence is in danger with a Government that singles out judges and threatens freedom by targeting the press and the critical opposition“, Add

“It is not about defending laws, but about defending the law. It is not about preferring like-minded judges, but about preferring Justice. It is not about celebrating the friendly press, but about celebrating press freedom. It is not my democracy or your democracy: it is our democracy,” he argues.

“If we do not ensure our institutions, if we do not defend compliance with the law, if we let our guard down when one of the powers of the State tries to impose itself on the others, if we think that democracy does not need us while nationalism advances, we will be committing “a fatal mistake”concludes

Remember that the vote is very powerful, “it makes us equal, but also free to choose the Spain and Europe we want.” “If on Sunday we stay at home because we think that these elections do not matter, we will be making a fatal mistake”. “They want to demotivate and demobilize the Spaniards by talking about mud and hoaxes, but we cannot let them take away our enthusiasm and desire,” he emphasizes.

He highlights that the PP is the largest political force in the EU and therefore the most influential and decisive and advances that it will demand “a European Pact for the Rural World to protect our farmers and ranchers from unfair competition and excessive bureaucracy.” . “Europe cannot turn its back on the countryside like the PSOE does,” he adds.

announces that will involve Europe in the construction of housing to alleviate the inaction of the central government, through bilateral agreements between the European Investment Bankwhich will provide financing, and the Communities, which will provide land

Commits to working for a European Plan for Mental Health and remember that five years ago I committed myself in the campaign to achieve a European Plan against Cancer, and we have approved it

He states that They will reform the Euroorder so that fugitives from Justice do not roam freely throughout Europe and they will prohibit, as we have approved thanks to the PP in the European Parliament, amnesties and pardons for corruption

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