The Guadalajara Sports Sector Council already has representatives and will be established this month | NewAlcarria

The Guadalajara Sports Sector Council already has representatives and will be established this month | NewAlcarria
The Guadalajara Sports Sector Council already has representatives and will be established this month | NewAlcarria

In economic matters, the plenary session has approved three files, two for credit modification and one for financing modification, which have been debated jointly, with a separate vote. Thus, the plenary session has approved, with 24 votes in favor and one abstention from Aike, to recognize the obligation, for a total of 1,167,492.82 euros, through extrajudicial recognition of 95 invoices for an amount of 1,165,242.82 euros, as well as expenses for award ceremonies in the amount of 2,250.00 euros.

The plenary session has also unanimously approved a credit modification of 8,500.00 euros to detail the subsidy to the Mascarones and a change in the financing of investments, in which the financing of the Castillejos path (273,499 euros) that It is postponed until the approval of the credit in process, to address with these applications the urgency of actions in the Low Emissions Zone. The proposal has received 13 votes in favor (PP and Vox) and 12 abstentions (PSOE and Aike).

Two files have been unanimously approved that proposed the appearance of the Guadalajara City Council in two appeals filed by associations in separate files from 2023.

resolution of two unfulfilled pauses

In terms of urban planning, the plenary session has also considered resolved two Urban Development Action Programs (SP od 71 in Iriépal and SP pp 09 in the capital), in which all execution deadlines have been missed, so the seize the deposits deposited by the development agents as guarantee (257,768 euros and 373,376.36 euros, respectively). Both have had 14 votes in favor (PP, Vox and Aike) and 11 abstentions (PSOE).

In addition, the municipal plenary session has approved, with the votes of the PP and Vox, to replace Sunday, June 23, with Friday, December 6, in 2024, as an authorized holiday for the opening of commercial establishments to the public, requested by the trade federations.

The proposal has registered 11 abstentions from PSOE councilors and one vote against Aike.

Motions of municipal groups
This ordinary plenary session has also addressed the debate and voting on five motions presented by the municipal groups: two by the PSOE, two by Aike, and one jointly by the PP and Vox. The first motion of the municipal PSOE group requested the creation of a local plan for inclusion and tolerance in sports, which also requested a banner against racism in municipal sports facilities. The PP has presented a compromise that is not admitted, so in the end the motion has been rejected with the votes of the PP and Vox.

The other PSOE motion proposed recovering the Encuentada Spring, which also added the recovery of the Guadalajara Committed Film Festival and Slow Cinema, and has also been rejected with the votes of the PP and Vox, with the support of the PSOE and Aike.

On the part of the municipal group of Aike, its first motion demanded the municipalization of library services and the direct management of the Suárez de Puga Library, an issue rejected by all groups, except Aike and its other motion that requested the implementation of the voted projects. and approved by citizens within the framework of the 2023 Participatory Budgets, also rejected, in this case with the votes of the PP and vox.

The joint motion of the municipal groups PP and Vox asked to renew the commitment of the municipal groups in defense of the Spanish Constitution as a framework for coexistence and guarantee of the rights and freedoms of Spaniards. This motion has gone ahead with the votes of the Government team, while the PSOE has voted against and Aike has abstained.

In the round of questions and requests from the political groups, the PSOE asked about the economic impact of the Giant Festival and about the meetings that the Councilor for Economic Promotion held with companies, with an added request about clearing weeds from plots of land, parks and gardens.

For his part, Aike asked about the next call of the School Council, the cost of the Small Fair and the works at the Usanos school. The plenary session concluded with a question asked by a neighbor about the burning of the LGTBI flag at the CCOO headquarters.

PSOE reactions
The PSOE has regretted that the mayor has “no intention” of working so that the Committed Film Festival and the Slow Film Festival, which have gone to Azuqueca de Henares and Cabanillas del Campo, are held again in the city.

This is how the socialist councilor in the Guadalajara City Council, Gemma Mínguez, regrets it, once Guarinos has voted against a motion presented by the Municipal Socialist Group “with which we want to defend a culture for our city free of censorship and plural, as the one that Alberto Rojo planned during the previous mandate”.

The socialist motion also urged the government team to recover programs such as ‘Primavera encuentada’ or Halloween, “which have been eliminated from the city’s cultural programming due to mere sectarianism, depriving citizens of two activities very loved by our children.” .

“It is a shame that Guarinos has lost the opportunity to stop this cultural exodus that our city is suffering, depriving our neighbors of a right such as access to culture,” said Mínguez.

The PSOE has also regretted that the Government team has also rejected the socialist motion in which it proposed to the mayor to implement a plan to eradicate hateful attitudes in sport, “a propositional motion that only sought to encourage the municipal government to carry out prevention, awareness and sensitization tasks against racist, lgtbiphobic or sexist episodes that have no place in our sports culture.”

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