Mercedes Morán claimed to have an unusual supernatural power

Mercedes Morán claimed to have an unusual supernatural power
Mercedes Morán claimed to have an unusual supernatural power

Mercedes Morán was the luxury guest this Friday at The perfect night, a program that is broadcast by El Trece and is hosted by Sebastián Wainraich. During the talk, the host and guest reviewed several topics, but among them they talked about a particular gift that the actress has that not many know about.

“Mercedes also has great power… it attracts animals with its mind. “She attracts horses, dogs, is this true?” Wainraich said at one point during the night and the actress confirmed her words.

“It’s true, yes. I concentrate, call them, and they come. Until the last time I did it, they came. The last time we were… I don’t know, somewhere, and they told me to do it to see if it was true, and they came,” Mercedes recalled.

“They test me. The first time it happened to me was with horses. But then I tried with other animals. I have achieved it with cows, with cows it is very easy, you look at it, you concentrate, and I tell it: ‘Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come’, and it comes,” he said.

“I am working with the most difficult being that is birds. I have no way to connect because they are not perched in general, they are flying, see? “She added.

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