Luis Gnecco provides details about his film set in the social outbreak: “It’s brave” | TV and Show

Luis Gnecco provides details about his film set in the social outbreak: “It’s brave” | TV and Show
Luis Gnecco provides details about his film set in the social outbreak: “It’s brave” | TV and Show

Luis Gnecco commented on some details about The fountainit would the first fiction film about the social outbreak that occurred in Chile in 2019. There she will play Carlos Sirithe owner of the well-known food establishment ‘Fuente Alemana’.

The film, which has already released its first teaser, is inspired by Siri, but much of it will be fiction. Apparently, towill embroider how the owner of the premises tries to keep his business afloat, in the midst of the demonstrations after October 18and while dealing with an illness.

She is serious one of Gnecco’s first productions, after he was removed from several projects due to a complaint of domestic violence which was filed by his ex-wife in 2021.

“This is a story that It goes through all of us, regardless of what opinion you have.. He spent in Plaza Italia, highly romanticized by some, demonized by others. “This is a social fact that affects us all,” he explained during his appearance on Podemos Hablar this Friday night.

Likewise, he clarified that the film does not seek to delve into the social outbreak, “this film, He is not going to explain the explosion, he does not give it a positive or negative sign.. Those recordings that are there are made by Carlos himself

“The character that I am going to play is a character, as you rightly say.
based on his story, fictional, because this is the story of a lydian guy
with a lot, a lot of personal problem. Additionally, you have to deal with a
bowling in the middle of a social outbreak, which is no small thing,” he added.

In addition, classified the character as a kind of hero: “He is a tragic hero, you understand what I mean, a hero who goes directly to confront this monster that is this unleashed violence,” he stated.

I find it an interesting, brave film, in the sense that it takes a fact
that not many times recent historical events are taken and put
as an element in his fiction,” he concluded.

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