Reflections, tributes and recognitions at the event for Journalist’s Day

On Friday, the commemorative event for Journalist’s Day organized by the Regional Association of Press Workers (Artrap) was held in Plaza San Martín, in front of the bust of Mariano Moreno, an event that was attended by Mayor Leonel Chiarella and local legislators and provincial. The meeting was conducive to recognizing the careers of different journalists and media in the city, paying tribute to those recently deceased and making some reflections on the current challenges facing the profession.

On this occasion, the journalistic career of Esteban Stiepovich was recognized, who “always been associated with the values ​​of democracy and its institutions, through the media or as a political leader,” served as co-director of the magazine Venado Sport in 1966. with Enrique Amaya; also the magazine Flash Deportivo with Hugo Gianetto; He was editor-in-chief of the newspaper La Opinión and the weekly La Ciudad, and head of the Sports section of the newspaper El Alba. In addition, he was founder of the Sports Journalists’ Circle in 1971. He also dabbled for years in FM Nostalgia, with current political and institutional issues in the city. Absent due to health reasons, Mayor Chiarella received in his representation a craft made by Rosana Tiburci, with contributions from Rocío Palacio.

It was a conceptual work designed with various materials such as wire, marble and engraved acrylic.

An identical work of art was received by Ariel Vergara, producer and director of FM La 100, a medium that is celebrating 35 years of experience in the city. Fruit of the vision of its founding directors Viviana Genghini and Jorge Scarone, it began broadcasting on March 7, 1989 under the name FM2, and for 27 years, along with its local production, it has brought the city the signal of La 100 Buenos Aires, one of the most listened to radio stations in the country. The delivery was made by journalist Roberto Cassane, who knew how to work at the station.

On the other hand, the mayor presented the director of the Dante Alighieri Institute, Mr. Mauro Camillato, with recognition for the institution’s 30 years of training journalists from the city and the region, through the Higher Technician in Journalism degree.

emotional memories

The occasion was also a propitious occasion to remember the press workers who died in recent months: Miguel Grossi (founder of the newspaper La Guía and director of the sports broadcasting team Poneta apoint), the announcer Hernán De Vivo (with vast experience in media radio stations in the city), the announcer, journalist and publicist Enrique Arloro; and Juan Carlos Cuesta from Rufino (radio icon in that city).

New platforms

The speeches were given by journalists Gustavo Brandoni and Santiago Balagué, who stated that “the situation is complex for the exercise of the profession, due to the working conditions and the media, aggravated by a very difficult economic and social situation. national level in which the media are not on the sidelines, because advertising patterns are affected.”

They also stated that the growth of new platforms “makes journalism mutate and the value of professional work is lost. We are in a crisis situation due to job insecurity and few possibilities of entering traditional media, something that is not new but has worsened with this social and economic crisis.”

Another point they mentioned is the existence of “speeches at the national level that attack journalistic work, where they ensure that each opinion is part of economic interests, accusing those who question them of being ‘overstuffed’, as if the opinion was worthless. And even though we are far from the big media, these downgrades end up affecting our work. The challenge is to be credible.”

Finally, they completed by mentioning those who study journalism and “pursue the dream of practicing the profession, we have to bring out our rebellion and inner fire in the search for the truth. And as (Julio) Cortázar said, we have to adapt reality to our dreams and not the other way around.”

The presentation was given by Laura Ávila and there was special gratitude from Artrap to the Government of Venado Tuerto for its support in organizing the event.

The date

Journalist’s Day remembers the appearance of La Gazeta de Buenos Aires on June 7, 1810 and the figure of its creator, Mariano Moreno, key man of the May Gesta and creator of Argentine journalism.

La Gazeta was the organ for disseminating the ideas of the May Revolution and the first River Plate media for autonomous government.

This date was established in 1938 in Córdoba, on the occasion of the first National Meeting of Journalists.

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