La Jornada – Two injured after explosion at Pemex facility in Chiapas

La Jornada – Two injured after explosion at Pemex facility in Chiapas
La Jornada – Two injured after explosion at Pemex facility in Chiapas

San Cristobal de Las Casayes. Two people suffered second-degree burns after an explosion that occurred at the facilities of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), in the municipality of Reforma, in the north of the entity, reported the Civil Protection Secretariat of Chiapas.

The state body explained in a statement that according to a preliminary report, the affected people are Lorenzo N, 41 years old, with burns on 30 percent of his body and Alejandro N, 26 years old, with burns on six percent of his anatomy. .

He added that both were initially transferred to the Reforma General Hospital, where they were treated, and later they were taken to the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco.

He pointed out that the explosion occurred on Friday night at the Pemex facilities of the Macropera Teotleco 101DL, in the Dr. Rafael Pascacio Gamboa ejido, in Reforma.

The agency, which did not disclose the causes of the explosion, stated that Pemex personnel reported at 1:50 a.m. that the fire inside the Teotleco well was under control.

He stated that “in response to the emergency, the municipal Civil Protection and National Defense (Sedena) secretariats were activated, in addition to the State Preventive Police.”

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