The arrival of natural gas to the Southern region opens new perspectives also economically

The benefits that the residents of the area have already begun to enjoy Southern region with the debut of natural gas Not only will they change daily life for the better in hundreds of homes. Also are called to reconvert the economic scenarioas several representatives of the municipalities covered by the new network underlined.

Open that door for the installation of new ventures that need gas as a determining input will result in greater productive diversification and the generation of private employment, which is a historical deficit for the towns and places of the Southern Line.

A range of options among which appear the mining, meat processing plants and slaughterhouses, transport and logistics companies, activities complementary to wool production and even the development of tourism are those that could take advantage of the availability of gas.which was an insurmountable limitation for years.

The gas pipeline that will guarantee home service for 17,000 inhabitants of Maquinchao, Los Menucos, Sierra Colorada and Ramos Mexía through the network operated by Camuzzi was included by the province among the works of the Castello plan and demanded an investment of 3,132 million pesos.

The previous system that provided heating and fuel for cooking as an alternative to firewood depended on liquefied gasprovided in trucks by the Coopetel cooperative.

The president of the Development Entity of the Southern Region, Darío Ibáñez, said that That resource had reached a limit and no more connections could be made.. Now that impediment no longer exists, and in addition to home users Uses linked to commerce and industry may be projected.

Adding value to wool production is one of the options being studied to take advantage of the arrival of gas. (archive)

He pointed out that by not having gas, the postponed projects in mining, that can now be “empowered”. Also htalked about the project for a provincial transit slaughterhouse which will open new jobs and end “informality” in cattle slaughter. He said that any undertaking of that type “requires gas for waste treatment” and now it will have it.

According to Ibáñez, the municipality of Los Menucos managed to obtain a loan from the IDB some time ago to install a slaughterhouse but lost it because the tenders were void due – among other reasons – to the lack of certainty in the provision of services.

The official clarified that access to gas is a decisive change but not enough, because “It is also necessary to overcome the limitations in the electricity supply”which are planned and would arrive through a new line from Alicurá.

“There has been a law since last year that creates a fund for this purpose, and it needs to be regulated, but the work is needed,” said Ibáñez.

A historical claim

Regarding the productive options that will be facilitated by natural gas, the current provincial legislator and former mayor of Sierra Colorada until last December Fabián Pilquinao said that “if from this there is another economic development it will be very welcome and the entire Southern Line will be grateful.”. But he also spoke about the limitations they suffer with electrical energy and was concerned about the general paralysis of public works imposed by the Nation.

Said The arrival of gas, on time, must be taken advantage of to promote complementary activities of livestock farming and public administrationwhich are the only employment generating activities in their locality and other neighboring ones.

Pilquinao assured that the provision of basic services It’s a decades-old claim. in the region and are “essential” for any serious development project. He said that otherwise it is impossible give “added value” for example in mining products, although he clarified that his sights are set on porphyry quarries, flagstone and the so-called “third category.” He said that for “first category” mining, that is, metal mining, “there is still an open discussion process, the community must be convened and there is much left to say.”

Ibáñez also said that the communities in the region have been asking for gas “out loud” for a long time and having it now after so much waiting is ua dream fulfilled. “They are works that require time, but now we have this resource that is vital and we must now plan the mining that is coming, the suppliers you will need, the laundries. All activities that demand natural gas and without limitations,” he explained.

He gave as an example a service station in Maquinchao that was left in the town and far from the route, when it was relocated due to the asphalt work. He pointed out that now with natural gas the owners will be able to plan their move, when before “they didn’t even think about it” because the liquefied gas service did not reach the neighborhood bordering the route.

Services for travelers

Ibáñez stressed that there are also incipient projects linked to tourism that will find facilities to deploy investments and generate employment.

The mayor of Maquinchao, Silvana Pérez, He said that they have already begun to talk within the Entity about all the options that open up with the arrival of gas. “When a company or entrepreneur appears with an interest in settling in the city, the first thing they ask is what services you have, with gas now it will be something else. -he admitted-. Stone quarries will have better development. Many other activities also generate temporary employment but the workers arrive alone, they do not bring their families because living here without gas is not easy. Now they are going to be able to and that will boost trade. “It is a benefit for everyone,” said the mayor.

He pointed out the case of “medical professionals” who have given up moving to the towns on the Southern Line when they realized that there was no natural gas. “They also ask if there is good internet and want to know how far they are from Bariloche,” said the mayor.

Overcome those obstacles, he added, It is essential to attract investments and diversify the regional economy. Like Ibáñez, hHe specifically spoke about the good prospects for tourism, because there are more and more travelers who dare to travel the paved Route 23 and to stay and get to know the area better we must offer them accommodation with up-to-date services, and good heating. Gas will allow this sector to be promoted, Pérez imagines.

Infrastructure to break backwardness and isolation

The Southern Region has favorable conditions and long tradition in the development of sheep farming and wool production, but also in this area there is a delay that can be reversed with access to natural gas.

The new service will allow them to leave behind a history of postponement, of threadbare economies and limited to public employment as an almost exclusive source of income.

The president of the Entity of the Southern region, Darío Ibáñez, said that The wool leaves the region baled and without added value, that now value can be added in the Rio Negro towns themselves as they are installed, for exampleo industrial laundries and other plants with equipment for processing and spinning. “It will take time, but there is potential -said the official-. Now everything is sent to Chubut, the laundries are in Trelew. But from now on nothing prevents them from developing here. The gas was missing and now it’s done.”

He also mentioned the case of slaughterhouse for large and small livestock, with a plan to develop it “in stages” and other logistics and cargo companies that could find the conditions to settle in the region.

Mayor Pérez spoke punctually of the passenger transportation. He said that today from Maquinchao they do not have a connection with the Alto Valle every day, because the only company that provides the service leaves only from Monday to Thursday, “and there is a lot of uncovered demand, for example on weekends.” He pointed out that with gas availability it will be another story. “Now other companies are going to be interested in coming, because having the services is key -said Pérez-. And like that there are a lot of things that will be chained together. The panorama changes completely.”

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