What was Mike Pence doing in Cartagena, where he softened his stance towards Donald Trump? | Today news

What was Mike Pence doing in Cartagena, where he softened his stance towards Donald Trump? | Today news
What was Mike Pence doing in Cartagena, where he softened his stance towards Donald Trump? | Today news

Mike Pence, from Cartagena: “There are better days to come, both for the United States and for Colombia. I feel that it is going to be the hope of an eventual second term for Trump.”

Photo: Pedro Mendoza

Former Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, participated in the 58th Asobancaria Banking Convention, which ended in Cartagena. Along with the ex-high official there was also the former Spanish president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

“Our commitment to the freedom of the United States is to comply with the principles of the Constitution. “That is the path to security and prosperity, and that is what I am going to be defending in the months and years to come,” said Pence, who was very critical of the policies of President Joe Biden, who, along with Donald Trump, , will surely contest the elections for the White House next November.

“The US administration is now paying attention elsewhere and that is a problem, especially at a time when other world powers are increasing their interest in our hemisphere, for example, China. “Russia continues to get involved,” she noted.

The director of the FMLuis Carlos Vélez, moderator of the conversation, when bringing up the issue of security in Latin America, referred him to an article that, according to military intelligence sources, Russia, China and recently Saudi Arabia have a presence and direct interest in the region and in Colombia. “I do not speak for the United States, let this be clear. “We lost the elections a few years ago, but I speak with authority, on behalf of the people of the United States: they are very concerned, very alarmed.”

In the presentation of the former vice president before the audience, made up of national banking experts and international guests, reference was made to the country as an ally. Regarding the government of President Gustavo Petro, he said that he does not believe in foreign interference in the elections.

“Colombia is the first name for the new world. A long time ago, the new world was called Colombia. The vision of Colombia has changed, it has faded to a certain extent. “It seems to me that part of America’s heritage is that we have always understood that there is a special obligation to defend freedom in this part of the world.”

In one of his comments he was clear in saying that a large part of the political decisions that a country makes depends on elections. “Do not lose faith in freedom and the principles of the Constitution. Perpetuating those principles and that form of government will create an environment in which freedom continues to flourish. Don’t lose faith in the market,” Pence said.

The Donald Trump issue

In March, the former vice president of the United States told the network Fox News that “Donald Trump follows and articulates an agenda that does not coincide with the conservative agenda with which we governed during our four years. Therefore, for the sake of having a clear conscience, I cannot support him in this campaign.” In his conversation in Cartagena he maintained: “There are better days to come, both for the United States and for Colombia. I feel that it is going to be the hope of an eventual second term for Trump.”

At the end of Mike Pence’s presentation, former Spanish president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero was on a panel with former Colombian president Iván Duque. “What is difficult for us in the Western Hemisphere to accept is that the world has changed, especially in this 21st century, and our perspective has to change. There are things that we cannot change, but we must understand,” said the Spaniard, who was president between 2004 and 2011.

He stated in his conversation, which was led by former mayor Claudia López, that his country is interested in investing in green markets and Colombia has great potential, “with solutions and alliances such as green hydrogen and other renewable energies.” Faced with the conflicts of the countries, she stated that it is very difficult to achieve stability in the markets.

In relation to the Middle East conflict, about which this week the Spanish Government announced that it will join the lawsuit against Israel in the International Court of Justice for the military actions in Gaza, the former president pointed out: “This violates international legality, for Of course, because the right to defense cannot be that.”

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