Five All Boys fans arrested for wearing anti-Semitic symbols before the game with Atlanta

Five All Boys fans arrested for wearing anti-Semitic symbols before the game with Atlanta
Five All Boys fans arrested for wearing anti-Semitic symbols before the game with Atlanta

Part of the La Peste Blanca bar tried to enter the stadium with coffins carrying the Israeli flag

Five fans of all boys were arrested for anti-semitic attitudes in the pre-match with atlantawhich was disputed in Forest. Minutes before the match begins, some members of the brava group The White Plague They carried flags of Palestine and they carried a coffin with the flag of Israel. Consequently, the DAIA condemned what happened.

These are five adults between 22 and 49 years old who were brought to justice for possession of pyrotechnic material and anti-Semitic symbols. One of them was already apprehended inside the stadium, where he was seen with a flag of Iran.

Despite the five arrested, an important sector of the All Boys brava group threatened the bohemian fans and used racist terms, in a hostile, violent and discriminatory message against part of the Atlanta supporters who belong to the Jewish community. At the site, he worked Criminal Behavior Brigade.

In the run-up to the game against Atlanta, the Auriazules fans threatened the Bohemian supporters

The Minister of Security of the City of Buenos Aires, Waldo Wolff, was the one who reported the arrests through their social networks. “On a football day, a faction of the All Boys bar wanted to bring in coffins with the flag of Israel, pyrotechnics and other provocative symbols that have nothing to do with the essence of the sport,” he said.

Thus, he added that these attitudes “have nothing to do with the essence of sport.” “We are going to be inflexible with those who incite violence and we will apply the corresponding sanctions. In the City there is no place for the violent,” he warned.

One of the five arrested

Then, the Secretary of Security and Chief of Police, Diego Kravetzdid the same and lamented that “while some celebrate the release of 4 hostages kidnapped by Hamas “Just because they are Jews, others act funny at the expense of other people’s suffering,” in reference to the war in the Gaza Strip, which was unleashed in October of last year when the terrorist group attacked the State of Israel, kidnapping, killing and torturing citizens. In this way, Kravetz closed his message: “We are not going to allow it.”

Faced with this, the Delegation of Argentine Israeli Associations (DAIA) condemned what happened through social networks, expressing “its deep rejection of the unacceptable racist and anti-Semitic expressions by the Barras Brava of the All Boys Club that took place this Saturday in Forest”.

Four arrests were made in the vicinity of the stadium
Four arrests were made in the vicinity of the stadium

“Displaying a funeral casket with the flag of the State of Israel constitutes a manifestation of hatred that Argentine soccer does not deserve,” they concluded.

The anti-Semitic symbols that were seized during the arrest
The anti-Semitic symbols that were seized during the arrest

He Argentine Forum Against Antisemitism (FACA) He did the same and rejected the anti-Semitic and violent attitudes of All Boys fans, considering their behavior “hostile.” “Incitement to hate and anti-Semitism are crimes,” they indicated and urged the AFA and the All Boys Club to support the repudiation and sanction the fans involved in this incident.

The incident occurred in the afternoon and, so far, AFA, the All Boys Club and Atlanta have not expressed themselves about it.

The detainees are between 22 and 49 years old.
The detainees are between 22 and 49 years old.

A few months ago, the Boca Juniors fans had racist and reprehensible attitudes during a match. The club was even sanctioned by Conmebol for the racist acts that its supporters had in the last match against Palmeiras for the semi-final of the Libertadores Cup.

In this context, the club issued a statement in which it expressed: “We call on the fans to reflect to live the game with the passion that characterizes us but far from any type of racist demonstration and xenophobic acts. And we ratify our commitment to football free of any kind of discrimination.” In addition, they warned that Boca “will make available all means to identify and sanction people involved in this type of actions, who may be subject to the harshest sanctions provided for in the regulations, including their expulsion.”

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