Angélica Castro reflected on her separation with Cristián de la Fuente: “It is an important process” | TV and Show

Angélica Castro reflected on her separation with Cristián de la Fuente: “It is an important process” | TV and Show
Angélica Castro reflected on her separation with Cristián de la Fuente: “It is an important process” | TV and Show

Angelica Castro He referred for the first time on television to his separation with Cristián de la Fuenteafter a media infidelity in 2022. In March, the actor announced that he would leave the country.

In the new chapter of The Divine Foodto be released this Saturday, Angélica addressed the difficult family momentalthough he clarified that he would not provide details again as it was a “personal” issue.

“I feel that At the end of the day one goes through so many moments in life and one has to embrace them.. I feel it as a public person, because we worked on this and in addition to being 14 years old, at 16 I did my first program,” he reflected at one point in the program, according to CHV.

Angélica Castro and how she faced her separation

The actress and presenter emphasized that, For her, complex family processes must be kept private.

“I also think that in my life and in my way of handling myself, even though you expose your life, because it makes you want to share a family, it makes you want to share the beautiful things that are happening to you,” he began by saying.

“I am a person who, at the same time, says when one experiences complex family situations, such as in this case a separation, that It is painful, an important process you have to know how to protect it“he continued.

Finally, it was left to provide details: “I am not a person who is going to talk about topics like that or air something like that.“, not to the media, not to the press, not to a program because I feel that it is so personal.”

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