Rodrigo Rey’s strong complaint against the school his son attends :: Olé

06/08/2024 1:17 p.m.

Through his Instagram account, Rodrigo Rey made a strong complaint against the school he attends Benicio, One of his sons. On this occasion, the goalkeeper Independent and his wife published an extensive statement to repudiate a situation of discrimination experienced by the little boy, who was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and recently returned to classes after being sick for several days.

This image is our son’s supposed ‘calm space’ at school. This image describes what we have been denying with this school. This image breaks our soul into a thousand. A private school, which has parents who have offered everything,” he wrote. Immediately afterwards, he attached a photo in which you can see a small blue mat lying on the floor. “Today our son, after being sick for two weeks, returned with a lot of effort to school, in a process of recovering physically, he already lost almost two kilos. Today he needed a space for calm and he didn’t have it.. He tried to lie there and didn’t want to know anything. Half body out and almost like being on the floor“, he contextualized.

Following the same line, the man in Red recognized that his family was willing on more than one occasion to provide the institution with access to new resources that facilitate the adaptation of the little one. “You have no idea how many times we offered to incorporate things so that not only for Beni, but for all the children who need and can benefit.“he assured.

In this sense, he was clear and showed that he will go to the last consequences. “We are not going to allow them to continue disrespecting anyone else.. We didn’t want this moment to ever come, we just wanted to dedicate our energies to making sure our son is well. This school is denying the children to have a better and adequate space for such a case.. “It’s incredibly incomprehensible,” she stressed.

In closing, he added: “We have remained silent, we never imagined being in this situation. Of course, andThis was the straw that broke the camel’s back. To understand the context: Today once again they disrespected our son“.

Rodrigo Rey’s release on Instagram.

A few minutes later, he shared a video where the baby could be seen with tears in his eyes. “This is how Benchu ​​went to school today. Without complaining. Putting his effort at inexplicable levels. I sent this video to school, so you can pay attention. Beni usually gets tired quickly in a normal situation, imagine after being sick. And one of the people from the orientation team decided to bring him the mat, thrown to the side, with an inexplicable lack of love,” she insisted.

The release of Laura, wife of Rodrigo Rey and mother of Benicio

Then, who also joined the post was Laurathe woman of Rodrigo Rey. “They touched my most sensitive point but also my most warrior. I had a son who came into the world without hope of life, who survived two newborn surgeries. Left with only 60 cm of intestine and a bleak prognosis. One of the possibilities was to be fed all his life by a machine, among other things. During its first 4 years, He slept more in hospitals than in his own home. His immune deficiency makes his winters a great challenge, and that whole context ends in a diagnosis of ASD,” he explained.

Finally, she stated: “That is why today I put on my warrior suit again. The one that hurts me so much, the one that makes my hair fall out, the one that doesn’t let me sleep at night, the one that gives me cortisol.” a thousand, but the one who gives me the peace of knowing that As long as I exist, Beni of my heart, absolutely no one who should take care of you and provide you with everything necessary so that you can be well disrespects you.. And I decide not to keep quiet anymore. Because I know there are many of us. “I read them and I want to hug them all.”

Rodrigo Rey. (Independent Press)
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