Rodrigo Rey revealed the moving story of his son and denounced his school: “Things that outrage, that hurt”

The Independiente goalkeeper and his wife exploded in the face of a distressing situation that their son with ASD had to go through at a private school in City Bell; They affirmed that they will continue their fight to bring together elements that help their integration.

Goalkeeper Rodrigo Rey told a difficult personal situation (@Independiente)

Rodrigo Rey and his wife Laura They used their social networks to angrily recount the inappropriate treatment that her son Benicio, diagnosed with ASD, receives at a private school he attends in City Bell. Although the Independiente goalkeeper accused that they were already having problems with the institution’s integration team –“he is laughing in our faces”, accused -, the trigger for the public complaint was a situation that the boy experienced when he returned to classes after being absent for two weeks due to illness.

Photo: Ayrton Costa, after his departure from Independiente:

By inclusion procedures, Classroom spaces suitable for students with this disorder must have a comfortable and welcoming place to lie down to calm down. and manage his emotions in the face of any shock, but Rey’s son was barely received with a small mat resting on the floor. The minor’s discomfort was such that He should have asked to be removed from the establishment before the end of the day.

“This image is our son’s supposed ‘calm space’ at school. This image describes what we have been denying with this school. This image breaks our soul into a thousand. A private school, which has parents who have offered everything,” the goalkeeper denounced along with the photo of the place. “Today our son, after being sick for two weeks, returned with great effort to school, in a process of recovering physically, he has almost lost two kilos. Today he needed a space to calm down and he didn’t have it. He tried to lie down there and didn’t want to know anything. Half my body out and almost like being on the floor”, story.

Rodrigo Rey Mat

“You You have no idea how many times we offered to incorporate things so that not only for Beni, but for all the children that they need and can benefit from. There are no reasons! There is no justification, just a lack of desire, just because! Taking care of these things takes work, yes. And so we have a huge list to count! Things that outrage, that hurt, that are not understood. But we got here. We have heard other parents in similar situations say that changing their children’s schools may be the solution. But not us! We are not abandoning ship. “We are not going to allow them to continue disrespecting anyone else.”, Rey explained.

The guidance team at this school is laughing in our faces – with whom we have already had problems too. People who are there to support families, to look for solutions… shame! We didn’t want this moment to ever come, we just wanted to allocate our energies to making sure our son is well (…) Today we had to pick up our son early because he obviously asked to go home. If he had had a suitable space… perhaps he could have stayed until the end. Space that we have asked for so much and that they have answered ‘no need, we have what’. It’s over! Tomorrow we will start looking for resources for this purpose, if they are going to tell us no, they will have to do it through a notary public (…) This school is denying the children having a better and adequate space for such a case. It’s incredibly incomprehensible,” projection.

“We have remained silent, we never imagined being in this situation. Of course, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. So that the context is understood: today once again they disrespected our son“, ended.

The moving story of Benicio, in the story of his mother Lali, and an approach to the school

“They touched my most sensitive point but also my most warrior. I had a son who He came into the world with no hope of life, surviving two newborn surgeries. Left with only 60 centimeters of intestine and a bleak prognosis. One of the possibilities was to be fed all his life by a machine, among other things. During his first four years, he slept more in hospitals than in his own home. Her immune deficiency makes her winters a great challenge, and that whole context ends in a diagnosis of ASD,” he recalled.

“That’s why today I put on the warrior outfit again. The one that It hurts me so much, the one that makes my hair fall out, the one that doesn’t let me sleep at night, the one that gives me cortisol to a thousand, but the one who gives me the peace of knowing that as long as I exist, Beni of my heart, absolutely no one who should take care of you and provide you with everything necessary so that you can be well disrespects you. And I decide not to keep quiet anymore. Because I know there are many of us. I read them and I want to hug them all”, hill.

More indignant, then Benicio’s mother He showed an email that he received from the school, where they were summoned to talk on Monday the 10th about the Physical Education classes that – he accused – the boy could not take until now because they coincided with other therapy schedules. which you must attend, and for which They never offered any other solution than to send them to adapt their schedules.

Fortunately, After a new urgent meeting, Laura said that they reached an agreement with the school: “I want to tell you that as a result of a urgent meeting with the director and the legal part of the schoolwe have been able to understand each other and find a new starting point (…) Hopefully this break will serve to build trust again. and understand that we are here to add and create together a better space for Beni and for everyone.”

Lali Rey

Photo: Julio Vaccari would be presented next Thursday in Independiente

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