Gaza: Israeli Army commandos rescue four Jewish hostages in a lightning operation

Gaza: Israeli Army commandos rescue four Jewish hostages in a lightning operation
Gaza: Israeli Army commandos rescue four Jewish hostages in a lightning operation

Faithful to his style, his code of honor and his perseverance, the Israeli Army has rescued – alive and intact – four of the hostages kidnapped by the terrorists of Hamas on October 7, 2023.

They remain, according to the prime minister Netanyahu, another 116 in the hands of fanatics, of whom 41 are presumed dead.

It has been a lightning operation by the Jewish commandos in the center of Loop.

It’s about three men –Almog Meir Jan (twenty-one), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40)- and a woman –Noa Argamani (25) -, who were captured by Islamic fanatics, during the coven of murders, rapes and mutilations, which they unleashed against the peaceful attendees of the music festival NOT GOINGeight months ago.

According to a statement from the Israeli forces, the four hostages are in good health and have been transferred to the medical center. Sheba of Tel-HaShomer to perform further medical tests.

Hostage rescues are rare: this is only the third successful operation of its kind.

The cape Ori Megidish of the IDF was rescued in October last year in the northern Gaza Strip.

In another operation on February 12 of this year, Fernando Marman and Louis Har They were rescued from the south of Rafah.


The 4 hostages on Saturday were rescued by specialists from the Shin Bet and Yamamin two different locations in the heart of Nuseirat.

The kidnappers kept them in two apartments, in apartment buildings, about 200 meters apart.

It was decided to attack in broad daylight, to catch the terrorists by surprise.

Previously and for weeks, the commandos had rehearsed on almost perfect reproductions of the ‘zulos’ buildings.

The Israeli commandos infiltrated, disguised as Palestinians, to their objectives and were not detected by the terrorists until the last moment, as seen in the video.


The IDF They described the extraction as a complex operation which involved ground, air and naval forces.

The Palestinian terrorists have limited themselves to denouncing a ‘Zionist attack’ against Nuseirat and the neighboring field of Deir al-Balahwhere at least 200 people were killed and more were injured.

The police of Israel announced that the chief inspector Arnon Zamora, of the anti-terrorist unit Yamam, died in the operation.

The police praised him and described his actions as “heroism under fire«.

Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora

Zamora36 years old, lived in Davidnear the southern city of Sderot.

He is survived by his wife and two children.

“This morning (Saturday), in a special daytime operation by the joint IDF, ISA and Israel Police (Yamam) complex in Nuseirat, four Israeli hostages were rescued“the Israeli army said in its announcement.

«The hostages were rescued by IDF, ISA and Yamam forces from two separate locations in the heart of Nuseirat. “The security forces will continue to make every effort to bring the hostages home.”

“We will continue to do everything possible to return the 120 hostages still held in Gaza. This operation will not be over until I return home.

«We will not surrender with a single hostage. I want to say that it is a great pride to see the security forces working together, shoulder to shoulder, in a vital operation: returning the hostages to their homes.
When the operation reached this level of intelligence and was approved [por los órganos pertinentes]…only then were we allowed to continue. “Hamas intentionally hides hostages in civilian neighborhoods.”

When reporters asked if there were other hostages with them: “We cannot answer these intelligence questions about other hostages. We must be careful with information security. “This operation could have ended very differently.”


After the terrorist attack of October 7, Argamani became a symbol of Hamas brutality after a video documenting his kidnapping at the music festival grounds Not going and her capture with her boyfriend Avinatan Or went viral.

The clip showed Argamani being forcibly taken onto a motorcycle, crying and screaming, while her partner was mistreated by terrorists and a mob of Palestinian civilians, who celebrated the carnage.

LioraNoa’s mother, is battling brain cancer and her condition has deteriorated in recent months.

Last November, she made a video appeal to US President Joe Biden and the Red Cross, asking them to bring her daughter home.

“I am Liora Argamani, the mother of Noa Argamani, the beautiful girl kidnapped on October 7 by Hamas in Gaza.”

“I have cancer. Brain cancer. I don’t know how much time I have left. I wish to have the opportunity to see my Noa, at home. “I call on President Biden and the Red Cross to bring my Noa as soon as possible so I have the opportunity to see her.”

President Isaac Herzog he told Not in a phone call he was crying for his release.

“Like all of Israel, I send you a big hug.”

Noa said she was grateful for this moment and very happy to be free.

The first Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also called Argamani to welcome you to your home.

Not She told him that she was very excited and happy to be able to speak Hebrew after a long time.

“We thought you would come back.”

  • Almog Meir Jan is a 22-year-old young man from the small town of Or Yehuda, on the outskirts of Tel Aviv. Meir Jan was due to start a new job at a technology company on October 8, the day after the Hamas attacks. The advocacy group described him as a “polite” and “helpful” young man with a “broad, warm smile.”
  • Shlomi Ziv is a 41-year-old man who was working as a security guard at the music festival when he was kidnapped. Ziv had lived in the local moshav, or agricultural settlement, for 17 years with his wife Miren. The group described him as a “big brother” type figure who is “always the first to help” those in need.
  • Andrey Kozlov is a 27-year-old resident of Rishon LeZion, a city about 8 kilometers south of Tel Aviv. He also worked as a security guard at the Nova festival on October 7. He is a Russian citizen who immigrated to Israel a year ago. In January, senior Russian diplomat Mikhail Bogdanov called for the release of Kozlov and two other Russian citizens also held by Hamas.

The Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallantdescribed the rescue as a heroic operation.

«I followed the operation from the command center. The IDF forces, the Shin Bet and the special anti-terrorist unit of the Yamam Border Police acted bravely under intense fire and succeeded in their mission. “The security forces will continue fighting for the return of the remaining 120 captives.”


The rescue of the hostages has delayed the statement in which Netanyahu’s former military chief and political rival, Benny Gantzis expected to resign from the war cabinet.

Gantz had called a press conference for Saturday night in Ramat Gan, on the outskirts of Tel Aviv.

Gantzleader of the centrist National Union party, issued an ultimatum to Netanyahu on May 18 demanding the adoption of an “action plan” for the post-war Gaza Strip.

According to him, without that plan it would be “forced to resign from government».



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