The pro-independence left of Ahora Repúblicas retains its three seats and beats Sumar and Podemos

Now Repúblicas, the candidacy formed by the pro-independence left of Catalonia, Euskadi, Galicia and the Balearic Islands with ERC, EH Bildu, the BNG and Ara Més, has achieved maintain the three seats it had obtained in 2019 after achieving 856,276 votes and 4.92% of support in these European elections. A result that was achieved despite the hard fall of the Catalans and thanks to the rise of the Basques and Galicians.

With this result, the candidacy not only manages to repeat representation, but also beat Sumar and Podemos as the most voted formation among the formations to the left of the PSOE.

For ERC, however, not everything is good news. The Republicans have remained behind Junts in Catalonia and they have been the third most voted force in the region, after losing half of the votes compared to 2019. In this way, they deepen their fall that began in the Catalan elections held on May 12.

The head of the ERC list, Diana Riba, has shown herself “very happy” with the result of the coalition and has stressed that “it is time to continue strengthening alliances with the parties of the stateless nations of Europe and with the progressive and environmental forces.”

“We have to keep working and not give up,” said the Republican candidate in the face of new elections in which Their training does not surpass Junts.

In contrast, happiness is complete in Galicia, where cheers and applause have been heard in A Nave de Vildán in Santiago de Compostela after learning that the BNG once again has its own seat in the European Parliament after 15 years.

With the result of the coalition, Ana Miranda will occupy a chair in Brussels after Camilo Nogueira did so in 2009 and, after that, the Galician formation exchanged seats in the European institutions on a rotating basis, sharing the minutes with other formations.

The leader of the formation, Ana Pontón, has claimed “the objective achieved” and Miranda, for his part, has promised that he will be “the voice of Galicia” and “just causes” in Brussels.

From Galician happiness to that of Euskadi, where EH Bildu has confirmed the surprise to the PNV and has won the European elections in the region for the first time since 1987, with 26.24% of the votes.

The general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, has declared this Sunday’s event as a “historic night”, after revalidating its representative in Brussels.

For Otegi it was “a challenge on a personal level and a dream” that “the Basque people” appointed their head of the list, Pernando Barrena, “ambassador” to Europe. “Let them hear us clearly, in maritime Navarra, in Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Araba, we are the first political force,” he noted.

“EH Bildu is going to be a bulwark against the extreme right”, Barrena has stated about his growth in these European elections. “It is going to be a legislature where progressive forces, left-wing forces, forces of stateless nations, are going to have to confront a tendency towards austericide, a tendency for states to grow to the detriment of the European project and warlike temptations to lead the people of Europe into a war that no one wants,” he warned, after highlighting that he will defend, “with other stateless nations, the right to exist of Euskal Herria”.

The territories of origin of these formations have been key in these European elections, especially in Euskadi, where EH Bildu has been the most voted list with 227,973 supports. In Navarra, the party has been the third force and has obtained 48,762 votes. In Galicia, the BNG has also occupied third place, with 179,905 votes and a growth of 4.33 percentage points.

In Catalonia, where the PSC has won, ERC has been the discordant note of the coalition losing more than 370,000 votes and ranking as the third most voted force with 354,247 supports. Meanwhile, in the Balearic Islands, the drop in participation has caused Ara Més’ loss of votes to translate, however, into a slight growth of 0.27 percentage points in the results. If in 2019 it had obtained 20,464 votes, in these elections it has obtained 16,457 votes.

In total, the votes for the coalition formations in the four territories have amounted to 827,944 supports, of the 856,500 that the candidacy has obtained throughout the State, something more than 96% of the ballots.

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