National Road Safety Day: why is it celebrated today, June 10?

National Road Safety Day: why is it celebrated today, June 10?
National Road Safety Day: why is it celebrated today, June 10?

National Road Safety Day: why it is celebrated today, June 10 (iStock)

June 10 is celebrated in Argentina he National Road Safety Day, a date established to commemorate a significant change in the country’s traffic. Since its implementation, the meaning of this date has evolved.

Currently, June 10 is used to reflect on respect for traffic rules, the need for public policies and greater road awareness to reduce the high rate of victims due to accidents.. This is how it is defined by Road Safety Policy and Management Training Center, dependent on the National Road Safety Agency of the Ministry of Transportation of Argentina. This agency works with all jurisdictions in the country with the purpose of reducing road accidents.

To encourage this reflection, the government has implemented various initiatives. One of the most recent is the creation of a podcast series by the Policy and management training center road safety, aimed at raising awareness and training on safety and road education. These resources seek to generate greater awareness among drivers and pedestrians about the importance of respecting traffic rules.

National Road Safety Day is celebrated in Argentina every June 10
National Road Safety Day is celebrated in Argentina every June 10

A significant legislative change in terms of road safety is the promulgation of the Zero Alcohol Driving Lawapproved on May 3, 2023. This law establishes that the permitted blood alcohol limit for driving on all national routes is zero. Thirteen provinces and more than fifty municipalities already have zero alcohol regulations in force.

According to official data, in 2022, 3,415 fatal accidents were recorded, resulting in 3,828 fatalities. Of these numbers, 40% of the deceased victims were traveling by motorcycle and 27% by car. These types of statistics highlight the urgency of promoting greater road education and respect for traffic rules to prevent tragedies.

He National Road Safety Day It is presented as a key opportunity to reinforce this type of messages and raise awareness among the population about the risks associated with irresponsible driving. The communication campaigns that are developed around this date seek precisely to promote respect for traffic regulations and thus reduce the number of accidents.

Road Safety Day is celebrated on this date because in 1945, the direction of traffic was modified, moving from driving on the left, as in England, to driving on the right, aligning with the majority of countries. of the world.

This adjustment was made with the aim of reducing road accidents, since the increase in cars coming from the United States, with left-hand drive, complicated circulation.

Driving a vehicle entails great responsibility and a constant commitment to safety. security. Every day, millions of drivers face the various challenges of traffic, so it is crucial to adopt practices that minimize the risks of accidents. Here we offer you some essential tips to drive your vehicle safely and avoid dangerous situations on the road.

Maintaining a safe distance helps prevent collisions
Maintaining a safe distance helps prevent collisions

One of the most common mistakes when driving is following the vehicle in front too closely. Keep a safety distance Proper braking gives you more time to react to unexpected braking and reduces the risk of rear-end collisions. A rule of thumb is the three-second rule: Make sure that at least three seconds pass between the time the vehicle in front of you passes a fixed point and the time you reach that same point.

Respecting speed limits reduces the severity of accidents
Respecting speed limits reduces the severity of accidents

The Speed ​​limits They are established to protect all road users. Driving at excessive speed not only reduces your reaction timebut also increases the severity of the accidents. Adjust your speed based on traffic and weather conditions to ensure a safer ride.

Avoid distractions behind the wheel to keep your attention on the road (iStock)
Avoid distractions behind the wheel to keep your attention on the road (iStock)

The distractions behind the wheel are one of the main causes of accidents of traffic. Whether it’s using your cell phone, adjusting the radio or eating, any activity that takes your attention away from the road can be dangerous. Keep your hands on the wheel and your attention on the road.

Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs to avoid accidents
Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs to avoid accidents

The consumption of alcohol and drugs seriously affects your driving skills, reduces your ability to react and increases the risk of accidents. If you plan to consume alcohol, make sure you have a designated driver or use alternative transportation services.

Performing regular maintenance guarantees the proper functioning of the vehicle (Senati)
Performing regular maintenance guarantees the proper functioning of the vehicle (Senati)

A maintenance proper operation of the vehicle is essential to guarantee its proper functioning and your security. Regularly check the brakes, tires, oil and lights. A vehicle in good condition is less prone to mechanical failures that could cause accidents.

The seat belt is crucial in case of an accident
The seat belt is crucial in case of an accident

He seat belt It is one of the devices security more effective in case of accident. Make sure that all occupants of the vehicle use it correctly at all times. Even on short journeys, the seat belt can make a difference.

Drive carefully in adverse weather conditions to prevent accidents (Gustavo Gavotti)
Drive carefully in adverse weather conditions to prevent accidents (Gustavo Gavotti)

Rain, snow and fog can make roads more dangerous. Increase the safety distance, reduce speed and use dipped headlights in case of low visibility. Adapt the driving to the conditions of climate can prevent many accidents.

Implementing these tips into your driving routines will not only help you be a better driver. surebut will also contribute significantly to the road safety.

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