Camuzzi approved the gas works in EPET 14 and this Monday he resumes classes

The government of the province of Neuquén completed the works on the building of the Provincial School of Technical Education (EPET) No. 14. The information was released by officials from the school maintenance area and they detailed that after the inspection, regarding the new gas installations in the building, the staff of the Camuzzi company enabled the place to resume activities.

The specialists, sent by the gas distribution company, carried out the inspection and tightness tests of the facilities and confirmed the approval. Besides, The government reported on the completion of the reconditioning tasks in different spaces of the building, requested by the directors and the educational community, for which the EPET 14 is in a position to resume teaching classes, starting Monday, June 10, they stated.

Provincial Council of Education of Neuquén. Source: (Government of Neuquén)

Officials and staff from the School Infrastructure and Maintenance coordination offered a detail of the work in the building, including the remodeling of the electronics laboratory space, where they installed an extractor fan and placed two windows. Besides, They expanded the construction workshop classroom and placed an enclosure to separate the service assistant sector, located in the SUM, thus adding a new warehouse, to which they moved the storage space of the physical education area, which previously functioned in the workshop classroom sector. In the chemistry laboratories, they modified the connections of the burners and eliminated a wooden bell.

In addition to the works on the building of the EPET 14government detailed tasks in the gas installations of other establishments, including schools 204; 282; 124 and 13 de Centenario that resumed teaching classes in recent weeks and they solved the heating problems in garden 56 of Senillosa. When detailing the different tasks, they reported that at school 204, the staff repaired the roof of the building, which was damaged by the traffic of people, they explained. In addition, they built new perimeter sidewalks and entrance ramps, and they reviewed the electrical installation and lighting.

At Elementary School 204, they repaired the roof of the building. Source: (Government of Neuquén)

The intervention in the building of school 282, in Centenario, consisted of changing the entire heating system with boilers and repairing the sewage network. In primary 13, they worked on the gas system, where they replaced the heaters and vents, to adapt them to the demands of the Camuzzi company. In garden 56 of Senillosa, specialists repaired one of the boilers, which had a water leak and the heating system remained working.

Works in Neuquén Capital

The School Maintenance area, He also detailed the intervention in the buildings of primary schools 347 and 260 in the capital of Neuquén.where, in the case of the first, the inspectors from the Camuzzi company approved the repair of the heating system and in the 260th, they changed the pipes in one of the bathrooms, they explained.

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