Ferka can’t stand help on MasterChef Celebrity! The actress complained to Ernesto Cázares for being generous

Ferka further strained the already tense atmosphere in MasterChef Celebrity with a strong scolding of Ernesto Cázares for his pleasant behavior with Harold Azuara; Like every week, fans asked for the actress’s expulsion.

Apparently, Ferka enjoys the reputation of being “hateful”that has been earned throughout the 12 weeks that the popular TV Azteca reality show has lasted, and although it is undoubtedly that the competitive spirit of the actress has been decisive for his permanence, it is also true that this aroused the anger of the entire audience.

For Ferka there are no friends in MasterChef Celebrity: This was demonstrated when got Fran Hevia eliminated using a weakness that he himself had incidentally revealed to her and when she supported the tactic that he encouraged the departure of Paco de Miguelone of the “ices”.


Now, the Mexican actress scored another point when, in the middle of the broadcast of MasterChef Celebrity, exploded against Ernesto Cázares for a gesture of solidarity he had with Harold Azuara, Obviously the rain of memes could not be missed!


Ferka, who has not been away from controversy for a single minute, especially after revealed some controversial images that confirmed that Jorge Losa was unfaithful to him because of Serrathonce again gave something to talk about due to its explosive nature in MasterChef Celebrity.

“I think, yes, it’s very nice of you, but helping your friend, your enemy, I’m already pissed off…”

On this occasion, Ferka earned the hatred of Internet users after in the middle of the live broadcast of the reality showdeceived Ernesto Cázares in a very cruel way just because it was born from the heart help Harold Azuara in one of the challenges, and although the actress clarified that she had “nothing personal” against her colleagues, He did remember that it was an individual competition:

Why do you want to help him? Life smiled at you, “What are you doing giving protein to the King and Harold?” said Ferka, quite upset, who took the time to say, with an irony that bothered many, that Well, Ernesto could share the money when he won since that was his pleasure.

Ernesto Cázares, of course, did not remain silent and gave a strong hint to Ferka that was celebrated by Internet users: “I would like to win fairly, rather than by poking people’s toes,” express.

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