The ‘Reminiscence Workshops’ close the season with a new session | CD Tenerife

The ‘Reminiscence Workshops’ close the season with a new session | CD Tenerife
The ‘Reminiscence Workshops’ close the season with a new session | CD Tenerife

The ‘Football-Based Reminiscence Workshops’ held their last day of the season last Thursday, June 6. The appointment took place at the Ballesol Santa Cruz Senior Residence, where he has appeared every Thursday since March. The program is aimed at older people, with or without cognitive impairment, brain damage or mental health problems, with the aim of stimulating and recovering through football those memories associated with childhood, youth and maturity.

The program ended with a very emotional last session, in which the participants were able to review all the days in which they met to remember through football. In addition, the event concluded with a presentation of medals to all the people who actively participated in the project. After this ceremony, attendees enjoyed a final toast in which they shared experiences for the last time this season.

The calendar developed alternated educational activities, in the residences themselves, with different actions coordinated with the football clubs of each city, such as visits to the stadiums or the training sessions of the first teams, trying to generate enriching and highly emotionally charged moments. One of the main common conclusions at the end of the sessions is that football is a very effective tool to help recover memories and emotions from the past, especially among those people who have family, social and emotional ties associated with sport.


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