Price of the dollar today in Peru: What is the exchange rate today, Tuesday, June 11?

How does the exchange market open today? Find out here the price of the dollar this Tuesday, June 11.

Which is the dollar exchange rate today in Peru? The dollar fell at the close of today’s Tuesday 0.18% regarding last Thursday. Let us remember that on Friday there was no exchange movement due to the holiday commemorating Flag Day and the Battle of Arica. Today, according to the Central Reserve Bank (BCRP), the dollar is trading at S/ 3,774.

With this advance, the greenback is 1.81% above our national currency.

Jimena Torres, Foreign Exchange Trader at Renta4 SAB, said that the market remains awaiting the monetary policy meeting of the United States Federal Reserve on June 11 and 12 with a probability of a rate cut still distant.

Locally, this Thursday It is the meeting of the BCR board to make decisions about the reference interest rate.

What is the price of the dollar in Peru today, June 11, for buying and selling?

Next, we tell you what the prices are for buying and selling the dollar that are registered in exchange houses and in the informal currency exchange market:

According to the qué platform, the money changers They buy the dollar at S/ 3.76 and sell it at S/ 3.79 on average.

While in the digital exchange housesthe greenback has a price of It buys for approximately S/ 3.76 and sells for about S/ 3.78.

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