The unknown business network of Rudy Fernández after his departure from professional sports

A business life parallel to sports life and with great successes as well. Rudy Fernández leaves basketball (he will say goodbye at the Paris Olympic Games) with the security of someone who has prepared the moment consciously. The Madrid player has several companies in his name, some of which he is the sole partner and administrator, and it seems that the numbers accompany his good personal health. Married to the model Helen Lindes, with whom he has two children, the family lives in a spectacular house in La Finca, part of the athlete’s enormous real estate assets.

And in addition to assets, we said, he has several companies in his name. There is one that is gaining special strength at the moment because it has just been established: it is Aldaunis SL, a company that the athlete registered on May 9 of this same yearthat is, just a few weeks ago.

A few days before retiring, it seems that Rudy was already clear that he should undertake more if possible. The company is dedicated to the wholesale trade of textiles, an activity that also attracts attention, since his wife is dedicated to marketing clothing. Although it does not appear in any section of the Registry, the company is wholly owned by another Rudy company.

like your children

This is Alaura RF SL (in reference to the names of his children, Alan and Aura), a company for which the athlete is solely responsible. It seems that Fernández gets it right when he invests. The company was founded in 2021 with a share capital of 500,000 euros, an amount much higher than the 3,001 euros necessary to register a company in the Commercial Registry. Rudy is the sole partner and sole administrator of Alaurawhose main activity is “holding”.


Helen Lindes’ special message to her husband, Rudy Fernández, on a fundamental day for the athlete’s career


Alaura RF SL is dedicated to the management and exploitation of real estate and despite having an asset of half a million euros, the counts give negative results. In the last fiscal year presented, the losses were 1,614 euros, an amount that should not alarm anyone who knows about companies, since they are discrete figures that usually respond to investments or movements between different companies.

In your case, the losses coincide with operating expenses. The income statements also reflect that the half million euros of assets do not correspond to any property, since the company lacks real estate assets despite dedicating itself to exploitation of this sector.

Famous partners

Among his business projects, one stands out above the rest, perhaps because of the media coverage of his associates: in July 2014, a few months before getting married, he joined a group of businessmen led by Manuel Campos Guallar and Abel Matutes Jr., and a group of elite athletes like him: Rafa Nadal and Pau Gasol. Everyone came together for the Tatel project, the Madrid restaurant that was the fashion point for many months. In 2022 they expanded their business and opened Totó, a restaurant led by the same partners that became the fashionable place in the capital.


The first vacation plans of Helen Lindes and Rudy Fernández

Rachel Perez

The business, registered as Madrid Leisure Partners SL, maintained positive accounts before the coronavirus crisis, despite the enormous expenses involved in a restaurant of this size. And they continue to be positive over the years and with 66 people employed. The company is in a good financial situation and its evolution is also positive.

another goodbye

Among the athlete’s business adventures, it is worth highlighting one that is no longer active. This is Sports Time SL, founded with his sister Marta and based in Barcelona, ​​where he began his successful career. The company has not registered activity since 2020, just the year in which Marta suffered an abortion in an advanced stage of pregnancy, a hard blow that stopped many of his dreams.

Photo: Helen Lindes, much more than a Miss Spain. (Instagram/@helenlindesgrif)


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Jorge C. Parcero

The company was dedicated to “professional, scientific and technical activities” and was registered in 2004. It was the company that managed Rudy’s foundation, something that has changed when it created its own name. All its activity is now focused on Rudy Fernández Foundation, created in 2015, as a “non-profit entitywhich aims to enhance and promote the values ​​of sport as a tool of education and social awareness to, through it, be able to help those most in need,” the organization itself points out.

Born into a family of basketball player parents, he and his sister Marta are international professionals who have achieved great success. Like many elite athletes, Fernández wants to get financial benefit from his triumphs and it seems that, over time, he has achieved it.

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