Poll claiming that 84% of Americans prefer Milei over Trump or Biden is false

Poll claiming that 84% of Americans prefer Milei over Trump or Biden is false
Poll claiming that 84% of Americans prefer Milei over Trump or Biden is false

Gallup Poll: 84% of United States citizens prefer Javier Milei as president over Trump or Biden”says the alleged article, in English, which was shared by Milei himself on Instagram.

The content was spread by users on Facebook, Instagram and X, as well as with statements in English.

Screenshot of an Instagram post made on June 10, 2024

The image circulated after Milei traveled to the United States on May 27, 2024, his fourth visit since assuming the Presidency, in December 2023.

Trump, who governed the US between 2017 and 2021, will probably be the Republican candidate who will face current President Joe Biden in the elections on November 5, 2024.

No registration

Searches on Google and the Gallup website for the title of the alleged article returned no results. Nor when searching “Wallace Ailstock”, the name of the alleged author.

The last article in which the consulting firm mentioned Milei was published on October 16, 2023, days before the Argentine presidential elections, without any reference to a survey of Americans or any mention of Biden or Trump.

When comparing the viral graph with a Gallup entry, it can be seen that they have a similar format; however, the font on the authentic headline is slightly thinner. Additionally, the company abbreviates the United States as “U.S..” and not “U.S.” (1, 2).

Comparison between screenshots of a post on X (I) and an entry on the Gallup website, made on June 11, 2024

A reverse search on Google with the image showing Milei on a map of the United States yielded an entry published on February 1, 2024 by a user on Reddit, along with the comment: “I updated the Milei meme I made to fix what was going on with Wisconsin and Michigan”. It is the oldest version found by AFP.

Contacted by AFP, Gallup’s press team confirmed on June 10, 2024 that “has not surveyed Americans about the Argentine president.”


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