The president of Taiwan asks the US to strengthen its bilateral relations in the face of threats from China

The president of Taiwan asks the US to strengthen its bilateral relations in the face of threats from China
The president of Taiwan asks the US to strengthen its bilateral relations in the face of threats from China


The president of Taiwan, Lai Ching Te, asked the United States Government this Thursday to strengthen its bilateral relations, especially at a commercial and economic level, in the face of the growing threat that China poses to the territory.

Lai, who has noted that this would benefit the American and Taiwanese population, has clarified that “deepening ties will guarantee the security” of Taiwan. This was expressed during a closed-door meeting with former United States National Security Advisor Matt Pottingen, who is visiting the island.

The newly appointed president has expressed that he is eager to resolve some issues as soon as possible to advance negotiations for a new trade pact between the parties, according to information from the Taiwanese news agency CNA. These measures, he said, will allow “increasing contacts at an economic level.”

The Taiwanese president has once again highlighted the importance of “improving the defense of the area and maintaining peace” in the Taiwan Strait, something he considers a “common desire of many people.” “Taiwan will also work to improve relations with other democracies around the world and contribute to regional peace and stability,” he said.

Pottinger, for his part, has urged Taipei to design a strategy to contain China. “Taiwan’s security is closely related to that of the United States, Japan and other Indo-Pacific countries, so greater coordination is necessary to safeguard Taiwan’s security,” he said.

“Containment is cheaper than war,” clarified the American politician, who was National Security Advisor in Washington from 2019 to 2021 during the Government of now former President Donald Trump.

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