The explosion of a car’s CNG tank left a Santa Fe city without electricity

The explosion of a car’s CNG tank left a Santa Fe city without electricity
The explosion of a car’s CNG tank left a Santa Fe city without electricity

Thursday June 13, 2024, 09:55

DESTROYED. This is how the car whose CNG tank exploded, affecting the power lines in Casilda, in Santa Fe, was left.

This Wednesday morning a vehicle fire was reported at the intersection of Rioja and Cerrito streets, in the Santa Fe city of Casilda.

After 5 o’clock, personnel from the Volunteer Fire Department went to the place where a car was being completely incinerated.

At those moments, a strong shock wave occurred, displacing part of the power lines in the area.

As a result, many residents of different neighborhoods reported a lack of energy supply.

“Upon the arrival of the crew, we began to set up a 38 mm extinguishing line, due to the amount of fire that was in the vehicle. When we began the extinction, the CNG pipe exploded, generating a strong shock wave, which caused glass and other housing structures on the block to break. We continue with the extinction of the vehicle, we verify that there are no injuries in the place and we gather the parts of the vehicle that flew up to approximately 80 meters from the place,” explained the Volunteer Firefighters, in dialogue with the press.

Volunteer firefighters, PDI personnel and radio command worked at the scene.

After this event, firefighters were called to determine the causes of the emergency. As the hours passed, the electricity supply was restored in that Santa Fe district. /The Coast

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