Temporary in central zone: Wind reaches maximum intensity in San Antonio and reaches 170 kilometers per hour

Temporary in central zone: Wind reaches maximum intensity in San Antonio and reaches 170 kilometers per hour
Temporary in central zone: Wind reaches maximum intensity in San Antonio and reaches 170 kilometers per hour

June 13 2024 – 12:30 hrs.

What happened?

The Meganoticias journalist specialized in meteorology, Alejandro Sepúlvedaconfirmed that in the commune of San Antonio, in the Valparaíso region, the stronger wind during this storm that affects the south-central area of ​​the country.

According to the expert, in the El Panul Lighthouse sector, strong winds have been generated. 170 kilometers per hour, being the maximum record of this event, but not the historical record of the place, since this corresponds to the year 2015where they were reached 177 kilometers per hour.

All about Rain

State of catastrophe and suspension of classes

Due to the intense frontal system, the Government decreed State of Catastrophe in the regions of Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble and Biobío.


Likewise, the Ministry of Education ordered the total suspension of classes in the same seven regions this Thursday and Fridayin order to avoid risks during transfers to different establishments.


In the case of La Araucanía, classes were suspended in some communes. These are: Chol Chol, Temuco, Galvarino, Curacautín, Angol, Renaico, Lumaco, Ercilla, Victoria, Los Sauces, Purén, Traiguén, Collipulli, Padre Las Casas, Freire, Cunco, Pitrufquén and Lautaro.

Thunderstorms and hail are expected to be recorded this Thursday afternoon in the south-central area, including the Metropolitan Region.

As for the rains, they have been predicted to extend until this Friday June 14.

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