Previous work in the Santa Marta canal helped avoid overflow in the frontal system

Previous work in the Santa Marta canal helped avoid overflow in the frontal system
Previous work in the Santa Marta canal helped avoid overflow in the frontal system

Regarding the frontal system, during this Thursday afternoon, the Minister of Public Works, Jessica Lopeztook stock of the canal piping work Santa Marta in Maipú, one of the usual critical points in the Metropolitan Region.

Early, due to the accumulation of water and the intensity of the rainfall, Mayor Tomás Vodanovic warned of an imminent overflow of the canal.

Minister López explained that the canal is in the process of piping.

“In the piping process, the company did the work of removing about a meter of sediment. “That probably made the difference in the canal being able to withstand the flows we had during the night,” He held authority.

The minister said that “the city, except for some quite specific situations, has responded well in its infrastructure.”

“Now comes the stage where we must support those residents of the Metropolitan Region and all other regions of Chile that were affected by this weather event,” he noted.

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