The singer Karina admitted urgently in Madrid – Trending topic

The singer Karina admitted urgently in Madrid – Trending topic
The singer Karina admitted urgently in Madrid – Trending topic

First he was the father of Shakira, William Mebarak that gave us a huge scare when we learned that the singer had had to return to her country urgently to accompany her father who remains admitted to the hospital. ICU of the Ibero-American Clinic of Barranquilla due to pneumonia. Although it seems that she is recovering normally.

Then it came Kevin Jonas the older brother of the Hermanos Jonas, musical group of which Joe and Nick Jonas are also part, which this Tuesday shared on its Instagram account that it has undergone surgery due to skin cancer. “Today they are going to remove a basal cell carcinoma from my head. It’s a small cancer that has started to grow and now I have to have surgery to remove it, so here we go.”

But now, a new case that has taken a historic artist to the hospital has occurred in our country and keeps everyone expectant and asking that she recover as soon as possible.

Karina, admitted urgently

Singer Karina, 78, had to be admitted urgently this Thursday to a hospital in Madrid due to a heart problem, according to ‘El Periódico’. The news broke when the artist canceled her presence at the 2024 Diversa Awards at the last minute after feeling unwell.

According to Yotele, it was Juan Boll, co-director of JN Global Project, which organizes these awards, who announced this news during the gala, which took place this Thursday at the VP Plaza de España hotel in Madrid. Given the sudden absence of the singer from ‘El búl de los memorias’, it was explained to the guests that Karina, who She was the representative of Spain in Eurovision in 1971had had to be treated for a heart problem and transferred to a hospital.

Something similar happened to beginning of the year 2023when the singer explained that she had a rather complicated end of the year since in December 2022 She had to be admitted to the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid after contracting influenza A.. It took him more than a month to recover from this infection.

And we must remember that the singer suffers from hypothyroidism, a disease that must be controlled with medication for life, as she said during her season in GH VIP. As if that were not enough, it is not the first time that the singer has had a tough confrontation with her health. She already told that He suffered from thyroid cancer in 1971. a disease that he managed to overcome thanks to radiotherapy and nuclear medicine, two treatments unknown at that time, more than 50 years ago, which They almost ruined him financially.

Despite having gone through difficult times with her health, the singer maintained her joy and had become a regular on social networks with videos with her little daughter, Rocío Martínez, and had even returned to the stage.

A whole career on top

The singer has been 60 years of professional career in which he has demonstrated how to join new trends and reinvent yourself. Last January, Karina presented her new show, ‘I’m Karina.’ In addition, he was a contestant in the last edition of ‘Big Brother VIP’ and in 2019, the singer opened an Instagram account, where she has more than 91,000 followers. Here she publishes videos of all kinds, sometimes she also goes out with her little daughter, Rocío Martínez, the result of her relationship with hairdresser Juan Miguel Martínez.

From CHAIN ​​100 We wish him a speedy recovery so that he can make us smile again with his joy and his desire to live.

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