Spectacular accident of a BMW against a wall in Benítez

Spectacular accident of a BMW against a wall in Benítez
Spectacular accident of a BMW against a wall in Benítez
A BMW model car was completely destroyed in its front part after colliding with a wall in the area of Benitez, in Ceuta. The Local police who has marked with one of the official tapes the entire part that has been destroyed to prevent citizens from passing by this place. A good part of the wall has been completely destroyed and has been perimetered. At the site, you can still see remains of the car involved in this major accident that occurred last night. The neighbors who frequented this point in Benítez, in the vicinity of the climb to Loma del Pez, came across, to their surprise, the disaster caused. Later, the car had been completely damaged and with the airbag safety elements activated due to the strong crash that occurred. It will have to be removed by a crane given its condition, with significant damage that makes its circulation impossible.

A strong impact and damage that will be reported

The front area of ​​the BMW is broken, damage to the windows, one of the rear-view mirrors shattered… The result of this accident It can be seen in the vehicle to get an idea of ​​its brutality and the consequences it could have had. Now it will be the job of the Local Police reporting office to intervene in this regard to prepare the appropriate report on this new example of accidents on Ceuta’s roads. Behind each traffic accident there is a report to adjust responsibilities not only for the damage caused to private properties but also to public goods. The reports office will be in charge of this. Officially, it has not been possible to report the existence of injuries after this accident since the efforts made have been unsuccessful so far.

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