Marina Gold on adult cinema: “We are happy doing it” | Cinema | Spain | CULTURE

Marina Gold on adult cinema: “We are happy doing it” | Cinema | Spain | CULTURE
Marina Gold on adult cinema: “We are happy doing it” | Cinema | Spain | CULTURE

He was in a university class, maybe it was the sociology course, he doesn’t remember it and he wasn’t paying attention either. “How to be an actress adult cinema in Madrid?” he wrote in his cell phone search engine. He doesn’t know how that idea came to mind. He just did it. “She was in class, bored, do I really want to be here?” she remembers.

A week later it was part of a first production. Since then, there have been around 100 adult film productions in Spain, and also in countries like Hungary and the Czech Republic, epicenters of this cinema. As a result, she was nominated nine times for various European awards.

“I hate you all”. With that message she said goodbye to the college class chat. And she didn’t come back again.

These days, he is in Lima.

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You left Peru with the intention of studying.

In Spain I was studying Law and I was doing well. I like studying. But at one point I felt like I didn’t quite fit in, I didn’t feel part of a group, I didn’t have friends at university. That was when I was 18 years old. Today I’m 21. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I left because there was a better level of education there and that’s why my parents decided to send me. I had just finished school and I told them that I didn’t want to study in Peru. I wanted to aspire to more, I am a very demanding person.

Are you ambitious?

Yes. I wanted to fill myself with knowledge and get to know the world, because in Lima I would not have gotten to know everything I now know and the different points of view that I have learned.

Wasn’t it an ambition for money?

No. My parents already had money.

Marina Gold, adult film actress. (Photo: Martin Pauca).

You tell me that you sought to be an actress in this type of cinema.

I looked for it. Everyone says: “Oh, the (adult film) actresses are surely being forced to make those videos, how is it possible, who can think of it?”

There is also trafficking of minors.

I’m talking about legal things, things with professional people, not other things. All the girls who work in Europe are friends and we all love our work, and we are truly happy doing it.

Marina Gold, adult film actress. (Photo: Martin Pauca).

Where is the happiness in doing a job that many look down upon?

It is one of the maximum expressions of freedom, because not only are you sexually free, but your mind is opened to a lot of other things. It removes a lot of taboos and helps you see life differently. Apart from giving you independence, it helps you travel, to see more places.

You tell me that you “always” had the curiosity to make films for adults. Where did the curiosity come from?

Don’t know. I had always liked the fact of having relationships; and the fact of knowing that other people could see it, is something that I felt could fulfill me too, and that is not bad. People see me as “poor girl, she got into that, surely, forced.” But not all life has to be structured or follow the same path; Each person has their own ways of thinking and their ways of living life, and it is not that one thing is right or another is wrong.

Marina Gold, adult film actress. (Photo: Martin Pauca).

Once you looked for how to be an adult film actress, how did you achieve it?

You get several production companies and they have their forms where you can fill out information, put photos. In the middle of a university class I filled out about two and during the day one contacted me. And I went to be informed in person. And I liked it and wanted to do it more, and then I got on OnlyFans.

How did it go in that first production?

What happens in the industry is that different types of scenes have different values; So, many times, being a new actress, that no one has seen, she charges more, because it is the first scene, you know? The fact that she is a new girl is very valuable. Although if you have built a name and have an image that production companies want for their videos, you can charge more.

And at what point do your parents find out that you left university to work in adult films?

The first video just came out, because I think someone told them. “What is this?” they told me in a call. I had to tell them. They didn’t like it and I know they don’t like what I do.

Are you fighting with them?

At one point I think we fought. But now we are normal, we get along very well, but we take into account that there is that difference. But I respect their point of view and they have to respect mine.

What do they do?

Doctor and accountant. Maybe mine is a job. I dedicate myself to responding to fans, editing videos. It’s a job, because for OnlyFans I am the actress, I am the makeup artist, I am the producer, I am the editor, I am the marketing person, all in one.

Marina Gold, adult film actress. (Photo: Martin Pauca).

What are adult film productions like?

They last like six, twelve hours, you’re recording all day, but you don’t have sex all day. You arrive, they do your makeup, you rest, the place is set up, there are photos alone, photos with the boy, photos of the comedy, etc.

Have you also recorded anything for Netflix?

In Spain they were doing a casting to find a girl to appear in a scene from a series, Clans, which is like drug traffickers, and they needed a girl who could be seen naked and who looked like she was having sex; Then a police officer enters and interrupts the moment. He did the casting and I recorded.

Was the first adult film scene you did difficult?

I struggled with the fact that there was a camera, you get a little nervous. So, my first scenes are horrible, I don’t want to see them, I have a face like I don’t know where to look, I don’t know what to do. But over the years you learn.

Didn’t you say “I better not do this”?

(Laughs). No, I came out wanting to do better.

Don’t you question doing this job?

My mom always tells me to go back to studying. But for what? Being under a regimen every day…, I don’t like being bossed around, I don’t like always being subject to someone grading you.

Marina Gold, adult film actress. (Photo: Martin Pauca).

So, your decision was good.

It was the best decision. But I think it’s not for everyone. You have to like it and you have to do things that fulfill you; Things you would do for free should be your job. I also feel quite accomplished because I have been nominated for several awards. Being the only Latina nominated for those awards is nice.

I understand that in adult cinema there are scales, from amateur to mainstream.

I am in the mainstream, of the big production companies. I like to record with Reality Kings, which is from the entire Brazzers team.

How much money does all your work generate you?

Five figures in dollars only on OnlyFans. And when I act in these films, they pay well too. But it depends a lot on the type of scene.

In which movie have you earned the most money?

I don’t remember, but it could be the scenes from behind; You always pay more if you do more things in the scene. That’s why many girls who get into the industry just to make money do everything from the beginning, but then they burn out very quickly and no one wants them for normal scenes. The idea is to go little by little and as far as I feel comfortable. A rule I have is “I’m not going to do something on camera that I wouldn’t do in my private life.” For example, I initially thought about being with a girl, because I had never tried it in my private life, but then I realized that I did like being with girls. If you do things that make you happy and fulfill you, you will never regret it.

You must have received proposals from millionaires to be with them.

They have offered me a lot of things. Ten thousand dollars for one night or “come to Dubai and I’ll pay you everything.”

Did you accept any?

No, because it scares me. I like being an actress because it is a safe environment, where everything is very regulated. At least in Europe, the adult film industry is highly regulated, for example on the issue of sexual health tests, since we have unprotected relations so that the video looks beautiful, we perform complete tests every, maximum, two weeks. They make you sign a lot of contracts and papers, give up image rights; They are companies that hire you and pay you with invoices. They are contracts like modeling.

I read in an interview that you sold clothing. In that way?

I sell my used clothes, my used socks after the gym, there are guys who like to buy them. They buy them because they smell them.

How much they cost?

From 200 dollars.

More intimate garments will cost more.

Sure, like 300, 500, it depends on how many days you’ve used them. There are some who tell me “I want you to use them for three days in a row.” It makes me sick, but I have to do it (smiles).

In an interview Karenn Paniagua told me that she makes video calls on OnlyFans. You too?

Yes and personalized videos. There they ask you for everything: super strange things, boys who like me to humiliate them, they have asked me to paint my face like a puppy and to put a bowl of water on the floor and to bark and to drink the water like a dog (laughs ). There are many crazy things. Once, a fan wanted to make a video call with me where I slept all night and he just watched me sleep, but in my normal clothes, pajamas; When he was already sleepy I called him and I fell asleep (laughs).

Marina Gold, adult film actress. (Photo: Martin Pauca).

How do you see yourself in the future?

Don’t know. I am a very careful and very demanding person. I wouldn’t get into just any business. I prioritize my peace, my tranquility.

What is bad about this job?

The worst is society. Because they call you one, you are like a lower level in society. But the truth is, I don’t care. I live peacefully. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I do not owe anybody anything.

And what is pleasurable?

The best thing is to have a lot of people looking at you, I’m a bit of an exhibitionist; I like millions of people to see me. I am addicted to my work.


-“I was born in Lima. I finished school and tried to study Law. I think there are more Peruvians in the industry, but in an amateur way and there are a lot of them. But I am the most recognized, who is doing international things with important production companies.”

-“I have recorded with big production companies, for Penthouse I did a scene. And Penthouse is very big, it’s like Playboy. The magazines haven’t called me yet. I did appear in Hustler though. And now I have created a Telegram VIP, where I upload more content.”

-“Maybe I’m going to create my production company like you suggest (laughs). And I feel that as I get older, my life has to become more serious. Not only for me, but also if I wanted to have a family. Yes, I would like to be a mother and have a husband.”

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