Election campaign in the US: Biden maintains the focus on migrants while Trump goes for the vote of the African-American community

Election campaign in the US: Biden maintains the focus on migrants while Trump goes for the vote of the African-American community
Election campaign in the US: Biden maintains the focus on migrants while Trump goes for the vote of the African-American community

Election campaign in the US: Biden maintains the focus on migrants while Trump goes for the vote of the African-American community (AP)

Joe Biden and donald trump They are steadily continuing their respective campaigns ahead of the November elections, in which they will compete to lead the country for a second term. Thus, this Saturday, each politician maintained his own agenda, focusing on his promises and gaining support from new sectors of society.

The Democrat was in the spotlight for publishing a video on social networks, on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) that was launched by former President Barack Obama, with whom he shared the formula at the time. The initiative, still in force, allows “dreamers” live and work legally in the United States which, after so many years, they already consider their home.

Biden promised to protect the DACA program (EFE)

It is estimated that there are already more than 800,000 irregular foreigners who have accessed legal work, education and who have opened their businesses in the country, among others.

In the video, Biden included these “dreamers” what in spanglish -a mixture of Spanish and English- they asked accompany the current president with the votesince it has “fulfilled” his promise to “preserve DACA” unlike Trump, the “coward” who “wants to separate us and demonizes us”.

“I am committed to providing them with the support they need to succeed. Direct the Department of Homeland Security to take all appropriate measures to preserve and strengthen DACA (…) and these people who have contributed their enormous talents to make our communities better and stronger”Biden declared.

The immigration issue has been one of the main points of clash between Biden and Trump since the latter accuses the president of being too lax in his policies (REUTERS)

The immigration issue has been one of the keys to US policy in recent years. trump is one of the main opponents of lax Democratic policies and maintains that these foreigners, who enter the United States irregularly, “They are poisoning the blood of our country”. That is why during his mandate tried to end DACA for considering it unconstitutional, although a federal judge in Texas avoided ordering the current Administration to close it.

In the midst of the disagreements over this issue, however, the Republican took the opportunity to focus his strategy on another sector, distanced from the Hispanic vote. This Saturday he visited the city of detroitwhere few of his party’s candidates have gone, and attended a community forum at a church in the African American community given that, in his opinion, the state of Michigan is key in November results and every vote there could make a difference.

Recent surveys showed that this sector still has a Democratic tendency – at 78 percent – although in the last four years your advantage against the opposing side has been reduced.

That is why the businessman appeared in the city with his Economic politics, who believes they could have great appeal to this group, and sat down at the table of a panel of local community members – including small business owners and activists – with whom he talked and posed his ideas. For example, she referred to the high inflation In recent years, the high rates of delinquency and the migration crisiswhich he awarded to Biden and that -he assured- They are hurting African-American Americans.

Trump attended a panel at a Detroit church seeking the vote of the African-American community (REUTERS)

Crime is “more rampant here, in African-American communities (…) the population wants law enforcement more than anything else,” he said during his speech and stated that “They are entering their community and taking their jobs away. “We have to throw them out.”.

On the other hand, he referred to other policies that he would implement in a future mandate, such as the promotion of the local automobile industry by imposing tariffs on vehicles manufactured in Mexico or other countries.

Upon completion, he attended the Popular Convention of the extreme right that was held in the state, in which he insisted that “the radical left democrats stole the 2020 elections and we are not going to allow them to fraud in the 2024 presidential elections.” He also referred to his recent convictions and assured that he is a victim of the President’s judicial persecution.

(With information from AFP, EFE and Reuters)

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