E-Day will not have one of the most representative features of Gears 5

E-Day will not have one of the most representative features of Gears 5
E-Day will not have one of the most representative features of Gears 5

The changes that will come to Gears of War: E-Day will be reminiscent of the first titles in the saga

Gears of War: E-Day will be a more linear game than the latest titles in the series

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The long-awaited video game Gears of War: E-Day is generating great expectations among fans since its announcement at Xbox Games Showcase 2024. However, recent statements from the developers have confirmed that one of the most representative features of Gears 5 is not will be present in this deliveryso many think that he will return to his roots with more classic gameplay.

In the latest games of the saga, a style has been presented freer in terms of scenarioswhere players have the ability to follow the story with options to do side quests going through various parts of the small maps in which they operate. Now, with the arrival of Gears of War: E-Day no We will only see the origin in history, but also that they will take us to a gameplay that maintains the characteristics of the first games in the series and here we explain why.

Gears of War: E-Day will return to the classic thanks to this change in gameplay

Gears of War: E-Day will not have one of the most representative features of Gears of War 5

Gears 5 maps are semi-open with side missions

The Gears of War franchise has captivated players since its debut in 2006 with its brutal third-person action and its small settings full of Locust hordes. However, in deliveries like Gears of War 5 semi-open maps were introduced that allow greater exploration and freedom of movement. Some of these stages are large enough to tour them and do additional missions.

Now, with the arrival of Gears of War: E-Day, The Coalition has decided to turn the helm and return to the roots of the franchise. E-Day will distance itself from Gears 5 by opting for a more linear level design and focused on the frenetic and intense action that characterized the first installments of the saga, according to the description of the file on Xbox.

This change does not respond to a whim of the studio, but to a desire to honor the roots of Gears of War and offer an experience that evokes the nostalgia of players who fell in love with the franchise since its inception. To the eliminate large scale explorationE-Day will allow the design team to focus on creating more dynamic scenarios, packed with destructible elements and high-quality details. In this way, the action will be enhanced, offering a more visceral and satisfying experience.

While E-Day says goodbye to open spaces, this does not mean that The Coalition completely discards the possibility to explore new game mechanics in the future. The study has made it clear that it is open to innovation, as long as it is integrate organically and does not affect the DNA of the franchise.

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