Vivas congratulates Eid al-Adha: “A celebration to appeal to good feelings”

Vivas congratulates Eid al-Adha: “A celebration to appeal to good feelings”
Vivas congratulates Eid al-Adha: “A celebration to appeal to good feelings”

“On behalf of all the people of Ceuta, congratulations to our dear muslim community on the occasion of the celebration of the Feast of Sacrifice.” With those words, the president of the City, Juan Vivashas addressed the citizens on the occasion of Eid al-Adhawhich will take place this Monday.

Vivas has referred to the occasion as “a very conducive celebration to look inward, to remember those who are no longer with us, to appeal to good feelings” and also “to think about how we can be better.”

The president of the city has called to “give importance to the things that really matter: family and friendship.”

Likewise, he has valued “the love that can do everything, that achieves everything.”

He has also asked to “give importance to nobility of heart and humility; to generosity and dedication; generosity and dedication to everyone, to those who suffer, to the weakest, to the most vulnerable.”

Vivas did not want to miss the opportunity, marked as a holiday in Ceuta’s work calendar, “to say publicly that I feel proud to serve Ceuta and the people of Ceuta, everyone, whatever they pray and whatever their name is.”

The president of the City has indicated that “I feel proud to serve a people that has made respect a way of being and living, of living sharing,” adding that another reason that fills him with pride is “serving a people that carries resistance and the ability to overcome difficulties in its DNA; in the heart, coexistence and in the soul, the love of Spain.”

“Congratulations, health, peace and well-being”, with these words Vivas has emphasized his congratulations to the Muslim community of Ceuta.

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