Father’s Day: Learn the history of this date

Father’s Day: Learn the history of this date
Father’s Day: Learn the history of this date

He Father’s day It still does not obtain the recognition that other festivities of the style, starting with Mother’s Day, which in general, causes a total stir in society, with many promotions to buy gifts, many outings to restaurants, activities such as visits to the spa and much more. more, something that is still under construction when it comes to its equivalent male.

But why is it that this date does not enjoy so much prestige? Surely, the reasons are many, but one of the most frequent is that the process to design and implement responsible parenting continues to be built, with important topics on the table such as new masculinities, which precisely seek to improve and expand the responsibilities of those who have families as men, among other topics, in a society with high rates of abandonment of families (in Mexico, there are 4 million 180 thousand homes with absent parents according to Inegi figures).

However, there are also many cases of responsible parenting that should be recognized and celebrated, as this could also help remind us of their importance, the tasks that this entails and how we can care for and improve ties with father figures in general. Due to the above, the Father’s day It is both an occasion to celebrate and an opportunity to reflect. But how did this festival begin?

History of Father’s Day

New parenthood prioritizes love and attention to the family

Dejan Dundjerski/Getty Images

The modern celebration of Father’s day It has its roots in the United States. The idea is said to have originated in 1909, when Sonora Smart Dodd, a woman from Spokane, Washington, proposed the idea of ​​a day to honor her parents. She was inspired by Mother’s Day, which at least a year earlier was already widely celebrated. In this way, Dodd wanted to honor her own father, a Civil War veteran who raised his six children alone after the death of his wife. And while this case is quite inspiring, it wasn’t until 1972 that President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation making the third Sunday in June the Father’s day in the United States, establishing it as a national holiday.

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