John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John: sexual tension ‘almost resolved’ in ‘You’re the one that I want’ | Music

The sexual tension between Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta crossed the screen. It really existed. As Travolta recognized, That tension “was almost resolved right there.”“, in it high voltage duet from the final scene of ‘Grease’, the one ‘You’re the one that I want’. On June 17, 1978, it reached No. 1 on the British charts, a position it held for 9 consecutive weeks. The soundtrack is one of the best-selling of all time and the film became biggest box office hit of 1978.

More than 15 million copies worldwide convert to ‘You’re the one that I want’ in one of the best-selling songs in history. He Australian John Farrar He wrote it specifically for the film adaptation of the Broadway musical. Although to the director – Randal Kleiserhe did not like it because I thought it didn’t fit with the rest of the topics, its international success was immense. It reached No. 1 in several countries, including Spain and LOS40, and in Britain it topped the best-seller list for nine weeks. before the film was released in the country.

Official ‘Grease’ poster / Universal History Archive


Newton-John and Travolta formed a curious couple. Olivia was a music star internationally, but she had little experience as an actress and was nervous: I had to play a high school student at 29 years old. For her part, Travolta (23 years old) was a rising movie star since ‘Saturday Night Fever’ in 1977. He bet on it from minute one: “I told them that there was no other person in the universe like olivia to play Sandy” commented the actor at an event called ‘Meet ‘n’ Grease’ organized in Florida in 2019. The actress said then: “They sent John to meet me. This charming guy He came towards me with those bright blue eyes and it was so sweet that melted me.”

GREASE | Trailer | Paramount Movies

Sandy and Danny’s romance captivated audiences for decades. Her love story grossed almost $400 million worldwide. The chemistry was undeniable and those who experienced it up close corroborated it: “They were not acting. “Everything was real.” Even John Travolta, when asked if there was sexual tension on the sethis response was a forceful, “Yeah!”. He confirmed it on ‘Meet ‘n’ Grease’ in 2019: “I think you can see it in ‘You’re the one that I want’. That tension is almost resolved right there,” he said, referring to Sandy and Danny’s high-voltage duet at the end of ‘Grease.’

John Travolta And Olivia Newton John – You’re The One That I Want

Didi Conn, the actress who played Frenchy in ‘Grease’, maintains that It was no secret that Travolta was in love with Olivia. In Daily Mail, she shared little-known details of a ‘real’ kiss between the couple. Randal Kleiser, the director, wanted to shoot an alternative ending in which “Danny looks at Sandy and pulls her close to him and gives her the juiciest kiss… it’s magnificent. They weren’t performing at the time. “It was real, it truly was.”

Olivia Newton-John and John Travoleta / R.B.


Despite numerous rumors to the contrary, the truth is that There was no authentic romance between the two stars. Olivia explained that the timing was never right. “Both we had a relationship with other people when we were filming,” he said on the Mamma Mia No Filter podcast. “Respectfully, it never happened.” And she added, “I think That kept the tension and chemistry palpable. Had It would have been a total disaster if we had decided to leave., or if we had had a trip or something like that.” However, she remembered very well her first kiss with Travolta on the set of ‘Grease’. “It was on the beach, in the first scene of the movie”He told US Weekly. “It was a beautiful day. We were playing near the water… It was an exciting moment, although everything was out of place, we kissed. That was “The first time we kissed.”

Grease (1978) Opening Beach Scene + Credits. 1080p BluRay

Olivia Newton-John told People: “Making that movie changed our lives. I feel very grateful to have been part of that. and having worked with him. Since then, we have remained friends.” In 2002, the couple reunited to celebrate the release of ‘Grease on DVD. 24 years after Sandy and Danny Zuko fell in love on screen, Olivia and John gave audiences an incredible moment when They sang ‘You’re the one that I want’ again.

Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta ‘You’re the One That I Want’ 2002.

Although they did not officially date, the couple did not hide their feelings: “I think we love each other and when you love someone you stay in touch.” This was until August 8 2022. After the death of the Australian artist, Travolta wrote on his Instagram: “My dearest Olivia, you made our lives so much better. Your impact was incredible. I love you very much. Yours from the first moment I saw you and forever! Your Danny, your John.”

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