Breakdown in the Metropolitano generates chaos and unrest among users

A new fault in the service of Metropolitan has caused great discomfort among users and has generated significant chaos in the Vehicular traffic.

The incident occurred near the Caquetá station, on the El Ejercito bridge, when a bus broke down, blocking the passage of other units that were coming behind.

The affected passengers were forced to get out of the vehicle and walk several meters until they found a safe area and could take another means of transportation.

According to the Metropolitano concessionaire, the necessary measures are already being taken to tow the damaged bus and restore service.

Affected passengers

However, testimonies from users indicate that the congestion was so severe that many felt sick and had to get off the bus due to the heat and lack of air in a vehicle full of passengers.

One of the affected users commented through our WhatsApp News Alert that they were detained for about an hour before the Metropolitano units began to detour along the main road near the Caquetá fruit market.

This situation generated a large crowd of people at key stations such as the Central station, where the disorder to catch the next buses was considerable.

Unfortunately, these types of incidents are not new for Metropolitano users. Bus breakdowns are frequent and the response is usually the same: passengers must get off and look for another means of transportation, crossing the road in an unsafe manner.

Furthermore, the bus fleet has not been renewed in more than ten years, which aggravates the situation and generates greater discomfort and insecurity for citizens.

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