Castellino del Biferno, the Italian commune that minted a parallel coin with Maradona’s face

The mayor of Castellino del BifernoEnrico Fratangelo decided that the commune located south of Italywill coin in 2020 a parallel currencylto to the euro with the face of Maradona“the ducats”, manufactured through a financial initiative as a counterpart for the purchase of goods and services and, whose objective was to help family economies that had been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The small town of six hundred inhabitants is located in the Molise region, the second smallest area and least number of citizens in the country, where a sculpture of the former Argentine soccer player was erected on top of a hill. The reference to the historical star of the Argentine team is materialized through local money and expresses the idea of ​​redemption of the societies of southern Italy.

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The five, ten, twenty, fifty and hundred bills illustrate Diego Maradona with the 1989 UEFA Cup and on the back the Olympo club pool; the former world football figure in the temple dedicated to his memory and on the back a photograph of the mayor looking in the mirror; Maradona with the world cup, and on the back the cabinet of the commune.

Banknotes of the Italian commune, Castellino del Biferno

The currency of two ducats portrays the image of Maradona during the anthem of the 1986 World Cup final. The ten ducat coin has the value wrapped in the word god, the sun of the Argentine flag, the photograph of the town on the hill, the face of the footballer with a crown, two halos of laurels and the term ‘Merid10s’.

The mayor of Castellino del BifernoEnrico Fratangelo, explained that “Anyone can buy it at the municipal window and it can only be spent in participating businesses, which communicate the amounts collected to the city council if they do not circulate them and it is regulated by municipal regulations”.

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The locality of small territorial dimension is defined as “anti-republican”since it questions the unification of Italy and they sign their formal notifications with the words “rebellious south” and the Bourbon shield. It has one of the lowest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Europe, very attached to its origins, traditions and history.

Commune of Castellino del Biferno

Through his social networks, a few weeks ago, the mayor of Castellino del Biferno He stated that “a nation has a reason to exist if it mint its own currency, with which it identifies itself, with which it shows its authority.”

“When we create the duchyas a banknote and as currency, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wanted to abolish cash and it did not seem right to me, especially for older people who are subject to fraud and deception with credit cards,” he stated. Enrico Fratangelo.

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“Maradona made the south raise its head again and become aware that it can achieve it,” Enrico Fratangelo

In the village of Castellino del Bifernothe hero is not Giuseppe Garibaldi, nationalist leader and architect of Italian unification, but Maradona.

Commune of Italy that minted a parallel coin with Maradona's face
The mayor of Castellino del Biferno, Enrico Fratangelo

In the literal words of Enrico Fratangelo it was meant thate “Maradona made the south raise its head again and become aware that it can achieve it. It is precisely that positive state of mind that he instilled in us, which pushed us to return home.”

“Just as there is a before and after of Jesus Christ, in the south of Italy and in the south of the world there is a before and after of Maradona,” stated the trustee.

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