The House of the Dragon: a review of the dragons and riders that will participate in the Targaryen civil war

The House of the Dragon: a review of the dragons and riders that will participate in the Targaryen civil war
The House of the Dragon: a review of the dragons and riders that will participate in the Targaryen civil war

‘The House of the Dragon’ returned to the Max screen

After a two-year wait, the dragon house (House of the Dragon) returned to the screen HBO and Max with its second season. This new installment came with the promise of doubling down in terms of drama, betrayals, epic battles and, of course, dragons. The civil war between the family Targaryen is about to explode and the seven kingdoms must choose a side, supporting the king Aegon or the queen Rhaenyra, respectively. As a consequence, in this new batch of episodes we will finally see the beginning of the legendary Dance of the Dragons from the novel George R.R. Martin (which actually has little of dance, but an excess of blood and fire).

In the first installment, the producers promised to present us with 9 dragons and they delivered. In this new batch of episodes the number will increase significantly since these beings will be key to the coming war. But who are they and to whom do they belong? Today in Damn Nerds We review the main creatures, their equipment and their riders.

Aemond Targaryen is the rider of Vhagar, one of the most powerful dragons alive.
Aemond Targaryen is the rider of Vhagar, one of the most powerful dragons alive.

Vhagar She is one of the largest and oldest dragons in Westeros. At more than a century old, she had as a rider Visenya Targaryenthe sister and wife of Aegon, the conqueror. Later, she was also ridden by the prince Baelon Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryonbut when the latter died she was claimed by Aemond Targaryen.

This beast participated in the conquest and, both for its age and its experience in battle, its size and strength are unmatched. The last episode of the first season made its lethality evident, but at the same time, it demonstrated how difficult it is to control, even for its rider.

In addition to Vhagarthe Greens have dreamfire of Helaena Targaryen (which also belonged to Rhaena Targaryen) and Sunfire King Aegon II. However, in the series these were mentioned, but they have not yet made their appearance on screen.

Syrax is Rhaenyra Targaryen's dragon
Syrax is Rhaenyra Targaryen’s dragon

Rhaenyra Targaryen has had Syraxthe yellow-scaled dragon since she was little and we were able to see them together multiple times in the dragon house. However, Syrax is far from as intimidating as Vaghar either Caraxes since it has never experienced combat and is relatively young in relation to other dragons.

HODT - Dragons - Caraxes
HODT – Dragons – Caraxes

Like its rider, Daemon Targaryen, Caraxes, is noted for his tendency towards brutality and has been trained for the battlefield. When he still belonged to the father of Daemon, Aemon Targaryendemonstrated his prowess in the Fourth Dornish War and, as we saw in the first season of the dragon house, also had an important role in the Stone Steps. Even so, in terms of dimensions, in the novel Blood and fire It is described as approximately half the size of Vhagar.

Rhaenys Targaryen is the rider of Meleys, also known as 'The Red Queen'
Rhaenys Targaryen is the rider of Meleys, also known as ‘The Red Queen’

The Red Queenas is known Meleysthe dragon of Rhaenys Targaryenalso showed how fearsome he can be when breaking into the coronation of Aegon II and destroy the venue during the season finale of the dragon house.

Before being linked to Rhaenysthis dragon with scarlet scales and pink wings belonged to Alyssa Targaryen. Although it is not as big as Vhagaris one of the few capable of fighting him.

Rhaenyra and Damon's descendants will also be dragon riders
Rhaenyra and Damon’s descendants will also be dragon riders

Vermax It is the dragon of the eldest son of Rhaenyra and, although it is not one of the largest, in Blood and fire It is mentioned that it grows much faster than other creatures.

The Black Team also has two other potential riders: the twins who Daemon had with Laena Velaryon. Baela has to Moon Dancer that could soon be big enough to fly. Rhaena, on the other hand, was not so lucky since her egg hatched into a deformed being that lived only a few hours. However, Syrax She has laid new eggs and there are still ownerless dragons ready to be claimed.

The second season will begin the famous 'A Dance with Dragons'
The second season will begin the famous ‘A Dance with Dragons’

Due to the number of deaths and departures, in the universe of the series there are several dragons that were not claimed and could go to either side.

The first is Hazewhose former owner was Laenor Velaryonwho escaped with the help of Daemon and Rhaenyra. Another that appeared at the end of the season and that could play an important role in the Dance of Dragons is Vermithora legendary beast that belonged to the king Jaehaerys. The only thing we’ve seen of him so far is a close-up in the shadows, with Daemon singing to him in High Valyrian.

Taking into account that Vermithor It is the second oldest and largest dragon that exists in the Seven Kingdoms, whoever manages to ride it will have one of the most dangerous and powerful creatures.

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