What is happening at the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce?

What is happening at the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce?
What is happening at the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce?

Follow La W has received information about some movements that would be taking place within the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (CCB) headed by its president, Ovidio Claros.

These are actions that would be bothering employees who have been within this important business conglomerate for more than 15 years, since sources have assured Porque La W that President Claros would be making some decisions without the approval of the Board of Directors.

Among the irregularities that were reported to this medium, there would be an alleged salary increase, the million-dollar purchase of a Toyota Land Cruiser truck with 3.5 armor for more than 600 million pesos and the holding of committees presidential elections at unusual times such as 2:00 and 5:00 in the morning.

To confirm this information, Follow La W sent a right of petition to the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.

However, the answer they provided is that, As it is an entity governed by private law, they are not required to provide this type of information. and the president is not considered a public official:

“The CCB, being a private law entity that performs public functions only in the administration of records, does not convert its workers into public servants. The right to petition before the CCB is regulated in accordance with the principles and rules applicable to private organizations, as established by Law 1755 of 2015 and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court.

On the issue of salary increases, the CCB warned the following:

“The information requested relates to private personal data of socioeconomic content, given that it is and is contained in the work history of a specific person. Therefore, since salary is personal data, the Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 prohibits it from being delivered to third parties without the corresponding authorization of the owner, unless there is a court order.”

Likewise, the Chamber’s response regarding the purchase of a vehicle worth more than 600 million pesos was the following:

“The vehicle in which the president of the entity travels was not acquired with public resources, but with private resources from the CCB by virtue of corporate activities. This vehicle provides safety when traveling that the executive president requires to exercise his powers throughout the territory of the CCB’s jurisdiction, which includes Bogotá and the 59 municipalities under its jurisdiction.”

Finally, regarding the presidential committees held in the early morning, Leonardo Ortiz Mendieta, director of Legal Advice and Judicial Defense of the CCB, stated that the meetings of these committees and the documents related to them are not accessible to the general public due to their nature. private, except in cases where a specific and plausible interest is proven in relation to the public interest.

Due to the above, It was also not possible for W Radio to agree to this request.

What did the president respond?

Given the brief response to the right to petition delivered by the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, Follow La W consulted President Ovidio Claros, and in the middle of the program, He assured that for security reasons it is not possible to reveal the total of his salarythis because he has received threats and so on.

He also stated that his salary has not been increased since his arrival.

On the other hand, about the truck He assured that he does not have an official vehicle and that the presidential committees are held every Monday at 6:30 in the morning during normal hours.

Relive the full broadcast of Porque La W below:

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