The jury finds the woman accused of killing her partner with laxatives in Valencia guilty of murder | News from the Valencian Community

The jury finds the woman accused of killing her partner with laxatives in Valencia guilty of murder | News from the Valencian Community
The jury finds the woman accused of killing her partner with laxatives in Valencia guilty of murder | News from the Valencian Community

A popular jury has found Mari Carmen B. guilty of murder, the woman accused of killing her romantic partner after administering a large amount of laxatives and looting her accounts until they were in the red during the six months in which the victim was hospitalized. This is what emerges from the jury’s verdict issued this Tuesday, after just 24 hours of deliberation on the responsibility of the accused, that she attended the hearing accompanied by her two children and listened to the jury’s decision with a serious and crestfallen face. .

After the guilty verdict – by eight votes in favor and one against – the Prosecutor’s Office has asked the magistrate to sentence the accused to 28 years in prison for the crime of murder, fraud and falsehood, while the private accusations – which represent to the victim’s children – have raised the request to 31 years. The defense has announced that it will appeal the resolution and has requested that the minimum sentence for each crime be imposed on its client.

The presiding judge of the Court has agreed, following the request of the Prosecutor’s Office and the private accusations, to place the accused in provisional detention, according to sources from the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community.

The jury has proven that the defendant, who was 49 years old when the relationship began, administered laxatives to her partner, Salvador V., a 68-year-old widower who had been diagnosed with several medical disorders, in the summer of 2020 without his knowledge. The patient was admitted in September of the same year and spent four days in the intensive care unit. Upon returning home, Mari Carmen continued giving them, which led to a new admission in which she continued administering them even though she was aware that they could cause her death. During the time of her hospitalization until her death, she purchased more than 1,000 Dulcolaxo tablets, more than 500 units of Evacuol and another 500 of Seguril.

The victim developed chronic functional diarrhea refractory to any treatment and progressive dehydration and deterioration until he died on April 16, 2021 from severe septic shock. Furthermore, between October 2020 and until the man’s death, the defendant made up to 152 withdrawals of money from the victim’s checking accounts and purchases with the man’s credit cards worth more than 120,000 euros. She also requested two loans in the name of the patient, which she signed over the telephone, simulating the man’s intervention.

The jury has unanimously ruled that the accused took advantage of Salvador V.’s helpless situation and the relationship of trust that both maintained. Furthermore, they have demanded that no benefits be applied to the accused and that a pardon of the sentence imposed on her not be proposed to the Government.

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