Arrested for gender violence: he hit and sprayed his ex-partner with pepper spray

Arrested for gender violence: he hit and sprayed his ex-partner with pepper spray
Arrested for gender violence: he hit and sprayed his ex-partner with pepper spray

A man was arrested after hitting and spraying his ex-partner with pepper spray, in addition to stealing a refrigerator, a television and a washing machine, among other appliances. The incident of gender violence occurred in De La Salle at 5600, in the western area of ​​Rosario. At the time of his arrest, it was found that he had a court order prohibiting him from approaching the woman.

Police sources reported that members of the Radioelectric Command went to the scene after a call to 911. The victim explained that she was at home when her ex-partner broke in and started an argument that escalated to death threats. According to her complaint, at that moment the attacker hit her and sprayed her with pepper spray and then took the household appliances.

The woman declared that she feared for her life, since her ex-partner owned firearms and it was not the first time he had attacked her. Hours before, the man had tried to attack her with a knife. The victim expressed his intention to file a criminal complaint.

With the information provided and after patrolling, the troops located the aggressor in Esquivel at 1300. According to the official report, he was captured while trying to escape through the roofs of neighboring houses and then through a hallway. In his possession, they found a container of pepper spray and it was verified that he had a judicial restriction on approaching the victim.

If you suffer from gender violence or know someone who suffers from it, call 0800 444 0420, available 24 hours a day, every day. If you can’t talk, write to WhatsApp 3415781509. In case of emergencies, call 911.

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